View Full Version : Radio RT/E certification

21st Aug 2008, 17:16
Hi Folks!

My first post here, so be gentle. This may sound like an odd question, so flame me if it is but here it goes anyway.

The Radio licence in Finland is separated into different levels. Level 6 is a native speaker, level 5 is good but you need to reapply every 6 years, level 4 is acceptable but need to reapply every 3 years.

You folks in the UK, what level do you have on your radio licence?

Thanks for your input!


21st Aug 2008, 17:30
There is no requirement to have the level of English included in a radio licence as these can be issued using different languages. The UK do not include either the level or an indication of English proficiency on the RT Licence.

ICAO now requires that a pilot licence be endorsed with the phrase English Proficient for all international flights. The UK do not enter the level on the licence, that information is held by the CAA.

It has been assumed that anyone who holds a UK RT Licence and has passed the related exams must be at least 4. Pilots are then required to renew this classification after 3 years or obtain a level 6 assessment at their next rating revalidation.

21st Aug 2008, 17:34
Welcome to the forum!

I've dug out my letter from the CAA which says that all RT license holders are given "grandfather rights" at Level 4. So I take this to mean, without needing to do anything I have Level 4 already.
As you said, this Level 4 proficiency is only valid for 3 years. But the CAA also say that any flight test I do in the next 3 years will include the granting of Level 6 proficiency and subsequently require no reassessment.

I hope this helps!


22nd Aug 2008, 15:51
Fantastic, thanks for your help! Exactly the information I was looking for!

I've got a FAA PPL and am converting it to a JAR licence, the Finnish Civil Aviation Authority told me I would most likely be given a level 4 but I was wondering how the english speaking countries actually handle this.

Thanks again!

23rd Aug 2008, 14:00
I've dug out my letter from the CAA which says that all RT license holders are given "grandfather rights" at Level 4.
Not quite true, it only applies if it was issued by the UK and is a UK FRTOL.