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6th Aug 2008, 16:58
Life after JAA Frozen ATPL?
I qualified for the JAA Frozen ATPL in 2001 and have visited the UK periodically to renew the licence (I currently live in Canada). As time passes it is becoming more and more unlikely that I will ever use my JAA Frozen ATPL. If I fail to renew my licence (Multi-instrument bit) what flying priveledges do I retain? I would at some stage in the future like to fly privately or commercially/instruct PPL (VFR) in the UK.
In Canada, when an instrument rating expires an ATPL becomes a CPL as long as the holder maintains a class one medical. If the holder decides on a class 3 medical then they can exercise PPL flying priveledges. Does a similar sliding scale exist in the UK/JAR land?

And before I get flamed for being a bone idle b****r I have trawled through the CAA's LASORS with absolutely no joy.

Many thanks.


6th Aug 2008, 20:37
Theres two things to stay current on:

1) the CPL bit which is maintained via the SEP renewal every two years and the license renewal every 5 years. If you lapse the SEP you can renew this almost any time via an LPC (even 20 years later) . If you don't send the caa money every 5 years i'm not sure what happens.

2) the MEP/IR bit. If you lapse the IR more than 5 years you need to fly with CAAFU again- who would ever want to do that twice . If you lapse it more than 7 years do the ATPL ground exams all over again and see mr caafu (double hell). Not sure what happens if you keep another IR current?

If all you want to do is instruct/ fly privately then renew your SEP when you return and carry on. (this should all be in lasors)