View Full Version : Jersey Jobs

The Crafty Monkey
20th Jul 2008, 12:50
Have heard through the grapevine that one of their ATCO's has resigned - anyone know why? How did their latest recruitment campaign go? From what I hear it's not a very nice place to work these days - shame as it's in a nice part of the world

20th Jul 2008, 13:46
@ Crafty Monkey,
Welcome to pprune community,
It is not so "popular" thread.:E

21st Jul 2008, 07:45
The answer to your first question you have answered yourself Crafty Monkey. Success with recruiting seems ambitious, wait and watch

The Crafty Monkey
27th Jul 2008, 21:26
A Lithuanian & a Hungarian have turned up for an interview!!! Not many takers from the UK I suppose. What licences have they come with - CAA ones I hope - perhaps someone in Jersey can tell us

27th Jul 2008, 21:57
it's in a nice part of the world

Just a piece of advice to anyone thinking of applying.....

It's nice, sometimes, for a short holiday.

As a place to live and work, it's the last bastion in Europe of feudalism and cronyism; a two-tier society where the very wealthy incomers despise the local Jersey-born-and-bred, a place where everything operates on the "it's who you know, not what you know, nudge nudge" principle, a place ruled by a few families in great secrecy, a place where massive abuse in a children's home over several decades was known to everyone and no-one and even now they are trying to cover it up, a place where many sane people start screaming after 24 hours incarceration on the island because they can't take the smug complacency any more, a place that can't understand that the UK has higher priorities than keeping Jersey people happy.

The average age of all tourists to Jersey is well over 55; the average age of 80% of them is over 60. The place is becoming a large geriatric concentration camp, as all the "hotels" are converted to old people's homes.

You get booked for driving at over 20mph, unless it's a 15mph area.

In short, it's dire.!

28th Jul 2008, 06:28
Do you work for the Jersey Tourist Board Capot?!:}

28th Jul 2008, 08:23
Ooooh!, It's like the holiday program with Judith Chalmers on here nowadays! lol


I wouldn't normally make a descision based on one persons review, but to be honest, you're post paints such a colourful picture I can't help but believe every word you say! lol.

All of my preconceptions about the place rang true in each sentance you wrote. Capot, you may well have just saved my sanity. Thank you.


30th Jul 2008, 20:53
Just a piece of advice to anyone thinking of applying.....

It's nice, sometimes, for a short holiday.

The average age of all tourists to Jersey is well over 55; the average age of 80% of them is over 60. The place is becoming a large geriatric concentration camp, as all the "hotels" are converted to old people's homes.

Years ago when I used to operate flights into Jersey we normally carried two types of passenger................the newly wed and the nearly dead!

The Crafty Monkey
31st Jul 2008, 10:46
Getting back to the thread. Has anyone heard who has got the jobs?

gone off
1st Aug 2008, 18:32

7th Aug 2008, 12:14
So are there any news who got a job?

7th Aug 2008, 17:26
Strange that no one in Jersey has responded to this thread. Perhaps it was the gagging order the boss imposed!!!!

7th Aug 2008, 19:36
They don't have enough time to answer. Thousands and thousands applied this spring so they had to use all available resources to examine so many applications.:E

Charlie Fox
8th Aug 2008, 19:09
Another resignation!! Shame, it used to be a fantastic place to work till the jobs worth boys got their feet under the table. Maybe one day the controllers will get back to controlling instead of doing random paperwork & projects!! When are NATS taking over???

8th Aug 2008, 20:12
But I've heard that there were not many appplicants selected for interviews.

The Crafty Monkey
9th Aug 2008, 12:53
I see Guernsey are looking fo a controller - I might go!!!

12th Aug 2008, 17:41
Have heard that another ATCO may jump ship soon. Across the water maybe?

12th Aug 2008, 20:52
Everywhere's across the water....:) Care to be more specific?

13th Aug 2008, 16:26
Coventry or Guernsey maybe!

13th Aug 2008, 19:03
Or maybe the lands of beautiful golden sand and black gold :ok: