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View Full Version : Flying instructor as a career

13th Jul 2008, 20:55
There are so many threads on here about people going into instructing just to put hours in their logbook.

I would really like to be an instructor as a long term career.

The questions I have is how long would it take to get into a settled wage? when I start instructing, I know I will only be getting paid for the hours I fly, which will not be a lot instructing PPL during the winter months. How long until you are on a salary basis? would it be a good salary?

How much more would I need to invest to further my instructing ablities? how do I get to a point where I can instruct CPL, or IR ratings? How much wage increase would this bring?

If anyone could help that would be great. If you don't want to quote figures on the thread, please feel free to PM me.

I have asked some of the instructors I've had over the years about wages, but many are reluctant to tell me how much they actually earn about the hourly rate I pay ontop of aircraft hire. Could anyone give me those figures?



14th Jul 2008, 05:30
if you are looking to be a career instructor you should aim towards some well known FTO´s teaching for the fATPL instead of clubs teaching PPL.

1 week after completion of my FI rating I had an interview to become fulltime employed on a salary base. Due to a shortage of instructors a lot of FTOs would rather work with fixed FI´s and not free lancers. When things start to slow down this will be reversed, so hope to be inside by the time this happens.

Try to negotiate a fixed base salary + supplements on flying time ( = the best of both worlds).

On the salary issue : don´t be shy to aim high.

14th Jul 2008, 09:10
To teach CPL; 500 hours TT, 200 hours instructional time ( I think ) and be unrestricted.
To teach IR; have a minimum of 200 hours IFR, unrestricted, do a 5 hour course, and pass a skill test to get your applied instrument restriction removed. With the 200 hours... 1 hour of flying by sole reference to instruments = 4 hours IFR.
Anyway I think its right.
At the moment there are plenty of big schools offering good salaries. For CPL/IR Instructors the tend to pay around 45000 euros.