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View Full Version : Foreign pilot licence: FLVC or LTPL/MC

17th Jun 2008, 17:30

I am a Dutch citizen with a Dutch JAA/JAR PPL Licence. I am planning to visit Canada for a period of one year on a WHP Visa. With this Visa I am allowed to live and work in Canada for a period of one year!

So, during this period it would be great to see some part of Canada from the air. I was looking on the Civil Aviation website of Transport Canada how licence validation in Canada works. I found this website http://www.tc.gc.ca/civilaviation/general/personnel/fore.htm and it is talking about Foreign Licence Validation Certificate (FLVC) and Limited Term Private Pilot Licence (LTPL or LTPL/MC).
Now I am not completely sure about the differences between both licences as they are both for 'private recreational purposes' (however for training purposes it looks like you need LTPL at least).

There is however a big difference in the validity period. FLVC is valid for one year where LTPL/MC is valid for only 3 months. I was wondering what the differences between both licenses are and which licence I should apply for during my period in Canada.

Hope someone can explain. Thanks in advance!


22nd Jun 2008, 21:54
I have been here in Canada for 10 months now on a 3 year work visa from the UK. I am Jaa qualified and my company paid for my immigration visa and my validation. All no problem to the licencing people.

However we have found a big problem with Transport Canada and the security clearance required to be able to access resrticted areas on canadian TC clearance required airports. Basically unless you are Canadian Resident or a Landed Immigrant TC will not issue a security pass (either Red or Temporary (Yellow)). I was ( by accident) given a yellow pass for 9 months but since the 12th of this month it was taken off me. TC will not move on this. Licencing are aware but cannot get TC to move. It is even more immpossible for countries that do not have a security history/checks (such as South Africa) for foreign persons (even if there is a cronic shortage of expertise/experience) to apply for residency.

So on that note. Be aware that you CAN operate in the North (except Iqulliuit) as there are very few airfeilds that require the security pass. You WILL NOT be able to work out of the larger southern airports. However you can operate outside the country with your passport and validated licence. (The same should apply if you were to be issued a pass and lost it/had it stolen). Have not tried this approach yet as I only operate mostly in the North and Private Mining Strips.

Just a thought to be aware of before you ventrue across the pond. Or even spend valuable time and money on a visa that is no use at all.

Regards and good luck Arni

23rd Jun 2008, 21:58
Hi Arni,

Thanks for your response! I suppose only the bigger airports are TC clearance required airports? As I am in General Aviation I assume that I can still visit most of these GA airports?

Do you have an FLVC? Or an LTPL/MC?

I'll be staying in BC by the way, Vancouver area, so far far away from the North. :)