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View Full Version : station manager vs captains

8th Jun 2008, 16:29
I post here because I can't find a better place to post.

Today (again :mad:) I recived a call from a lufthansa station manager, blaming for the bheaviour of one of our captain. He told me "with LH crews we never have this problem". I replaied that we never have this problem with not LH stations.
I would like to know from the crew members (may be from some LH crew) how it's the relationship with your stations manager.


8th Jun 2008, 23:19

Many times it comes down to personalities.

Station managers have their own challenges and sometimes they think that flight-crews are part of the problem instead of part of the solution, therefore if you have an assertive Station manager, s/he will try to push the crew and when it does not work blame the crew for being "difficult" or uncooperative.

It's all part of the game!


8th Jun 2008, 23:42
Scene, FRA station, circa 1992 (approximately).
Captains salary late, simply because the guy in charge of the expat payroll had gone on leave, and no one was designated for his replacement.
Said Captain is...not pleased.
Says he wants his salary in DMarks, paid prior to departure of the next flight, or there will not be a next flight.
Salary paid, in DMarks, as agreed, plus a 'little' extra.
Captain now has a dedicated friend in said station manager, and when it is time to extrend the flight duty period for a late departure, said Captain says...'why, of course, you scratch my back, I scratch yours.'

Works like a charm.
Nearly always.:E