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View Full Version : ATC 2 PROFESSIONAL- simulator

8th Jun 2008, 14:34
I am having this software (http://www.atcsimulator.com/info.htm),firstly for knowledge and then for amusement.
Actually I bought it in order to understand the job of the controller rather than only being limited to knowledge pertaining to a PPL license holder or ATPL.
I always thought that having a strong assimilation of ATC internal procedures and techniques would enhance my reflex in terms of communication and understanding ATCs' decisions more structurally,chiefly when they seem weird;).

Well,this is what I always assumed.

So,can anyone tell me if this software can be of a help to better understand the structure and procedures of a full unit working ATC?(besides manuals etc...)

Any real-life controller who 'tested' this simulator?
Is it an effective approach to a more-than-basic understanding?

thank you:O

8th Jun 2008, 15:43
No simulator, not even "real" ones can truly represent what actually happens in real life and the software you mentioned is little more than a computer game, which it admits in the blurb! Unless you are sitting in a room with other ATC staff you cannot hope to understand what really happens. A great deal of liaison between controllers is by direct contact, rather than by telephone and this programme cannot replicate that.

Have fun though.. A friend, ex 747-Captain, and I had two simulator games - one for London area ATC and FlightSim 747. He experienced problems flying FlightSim while i could do it quite well..... and he could manage the ATC game whereas I was getting "near misses" every few minutes!!

8th Jun 2008, 17:03

thanks for the rep.
I find the software quite informative though.
The only problem is that once you load it on the screen,you stick to it for hours and hours :p

so sir,any other methods enabling me to concise my perception and knowledge of ATCs ?
Guess not..:O

By the way,for ATC enthusiasts,i found this website

8th Jun 2008, 17:08
I have to recommend London Control (http://www.londoncontrol.com) as it does represent the whole of the UK airspace and includes voice recognition. Although the program does include a lot of realistic features, such as a basic coordination system between sectors, as Heathrow Director says, no PC 'game' can exactly replicate the workings of a complex real world ATC centre and it would be much more beneficial to actually visit an ATSU if get the chance.

8th Jun 2008, 17:42
Captain d... I guess you have visited various ATC units? If not I would strongly recommend it. I think you would derive more benefit from a couple of hours in a busy unit than many hours on a PC simulator.. Probably find it more amusing too!! :-)))

8th Jun 2008, 17:56
thanks again to both of you.
I am having great time at the moment with ATC.

I have visited only control centres.
Its quite difficult to get permission access to ATC units.
But i'll try my best.

I couldn't imagine coordinating aircrafts could be so amusing;)

thanks for your help guys.

8th Jun 2008, 17:57
What worries me is that when I was in the BA 777 sim the other day....I made better landings then either of the two pilots there! 30kts direct crosswind, wet runway, no problems!!!