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LEE 86
21st Jun 2010, 07:27
Thanks Sky,

I guess iv still got a few weeks before they contact my refs.


21st Jun 2010, 22:00
Hi all,

QCCA have now offered full time postions with the first Ground School starting on 20th July.

22nd Jun 2010, 07:22
Just wondering if anyone that was not already working for Qantas and went to the recruitment day in Sydney on the 24th May 2010 had received any email or phone calls that they got in????

Its been over 4 weeks do they usually send a letter or email if you are unsuccessful?

Also I went on to qantas website and my application has been withdrawn is that normal??

LEE 86
22nd Jun 2010, 08:07
Hey Mia,
I was also their on monday. Have you had your Refs checked?
And yes the withdrawn is normal.


23rd Jun 2010, 02:09
Thanks so much for your reply I really appreciate it.. No-one has rang any of my references at all has anyone rang yours yet???

Have you had any response from them at all?

Will they notify us via email or phone?

I thought that I would have had some response by now but I have had other flight attendants tell me they waited 6 weeks before they had a response.

LEE 86
23rd Jun 2010, 02:25
Hey Mia,

My refs have not been contacted either, but were not the only ones. Its normal for Qantas to take so long, they will first send us an email saying they will contact our refs, and a few days after that they will either ask us to book a medical or give us a rejection email. If we make it through the medical, then they will phone us to offer us a position. It shouldnt be to much longer for us.

When did you attend the info session??


23rd Jun 2010, 04:28
Whats the information session was that after the Friday 21ST & Monday 24TH??

I did not go to anything except the Friday in the City and then the afternoon in alexandria..

Was there something else? :confused:

LEE 86
23rd Jun 2010, 05:42
Hey Mia,
Monday the 24th was the info session.

LEE 86
24th Jun 2010, 01:21
Just received an email this morning, I was unsuccessful. I didn't even get my refs checked.

Good luck to everyone else.


24th Jun 2010, 05:36
Sorry to hear lee, its strange they would stretch it out this far and not even call one of you references.. Hope you get back up in the air again soon :-)

24th Jun 2010, 19:53
Is it MEL base's turn yet? Anyone had any contact or news about interviews, candidate events, anything for MEL?

28th Jun 2010, 23:24
hey everyone, i had my meet and greet in alexandria on the 24th of may and since then have not heard a single word... is anyone else in the same boat as me?:ok:

28th Jun 2010, 23:38
To whoever posted that response yesterday about being on hold for two yrs and then getting rejected, I would like to hear from you. If I didnt know myself I would have said I wrote that.
Since it has now been deleted could you pleas pm me as I would like to chat to you about something.
To all the other candidates, dont bother with this company, better of with VA.
You are treated like ***** :mad:

29th Jun 2010, 07:21
I also had the same opportunity to read that post before it was deleted and I must admit...it raised a few concerns. I would also appreciate some contact with the 'author' of that post, just to clarify a few things, if that's not too much trouble.

Saab Dastard
29th Jun 2010, 07:35
The post by lizzydizzy was deleted by the author, not the mods.


29th Jun 2010, 07:57
I thought the author may have deleted his/her post as it might be easy to have been identified.
Firyice, if you have some concerns or need something answered I am sure I could help you.
Just pm me if you like.

29th Jun 2010, 10:32
there is likely to be some significant recruitment later this year into QCCA...my sources tell me about 200-300 positions potentially

30th Jun 2010, 00:50
what was put in this post that was deleted??

If it cant be put on the main forum could someone pm it to me..:ok:

30th Jun 2010, 02:09

Nothing that would have a bearing on your application.
Just someone venting their frustration at the injustice that QCCA loves to dish out :ugh:

30th Jun 2010, 09:43
Its good to see this thread a bit more lively than what it's been in a while unfortunately it still doesn't clarify any MEL base movement yet. I'm sorry to see and hear about any 'unsuccessful' emails. I wish I knew what QCCA were looking for and what criteria they use to make their decisions. It seems that many great and highly qualified people still miss out this great opportunity. I hope that you all don't give up hope and try again when your 6 month waiting period ceases. I'm sure it will be worth the wait and make us all more appreciative when the 'yes' call is finally received.

Hi Genki,

When you say 200-300 crew, is that for predominately SYD base or MEL too? That sure seems like a lot of crew. Do they have enough aircraft to support that intake? I've heard that they will be getting more A380's. I hope you're right and they begin recruitment for it soon. :D

30th Jun 2010, 11:14
Qantas will receive 1 A380 before the end of the year and crew for this aircraft will be moved from mainlain being the QCCA crew and new recruits currently being recruited (some with no flying experience will go to mainline first). Between Jan and Mar 2011 an additional 3 aircraft will be delivered therefore 300 crew will be required it can roughly be calculated as 20 Flight Attendants x 4 for each aircraft being the number of crew required to operate the aircraft plus additional crew for reserves etc.

I think there will be an additional requirement for Melbourne base. As you SHOULD all be aware if you are going for interviews with Qantas is that Melbourne-LAX will be going daily from next year when the new aircraft are delivered as well as Melbourne-Singapore-London. I would certainly hope that you are ALL aware of this very basic information which has been available on the Qantas Website under Press Resleases for a while now.

Dont even waste your time trying to understand the Qantas recruitment process. It is extremley complex and goes through many layers of staff and management before a decision is made thus the reason people are rejected after medical and security, thats just another layer before another layer before reference checks etc. The intervies and assessments are just a small component of a very complex system.

Dont burn your bridges by voicing your distaste of this process to Qantas as this could well not work in your favour later in the year should recruitment open again.

Good Luck.

1st Jul 2010, 11:50
couldnt agree more GH.....my thoughts exactly

7th Jul 2010, 01:45
Hey guys & girls, just thought I'd mention it here so you know where they're up to with recruitment process...

I GOT THE CALL ! :} Woohoo !! My ground school start date is August 3rd, for the A380 fleet, SYD base. I'm so over the moon right now, and very excited to be starting at Qantas in less than a month. I now have an interstate move to tackle, from Melbourne to Sydney, so if anyone out there is, or knows of someone who is, looking for a place in Sydney, or needs a housemate, please PM me! :)

Hopefully there are some others on here who have good news still on its way and that I may see next month. I wish you all the best if you're still waiting!

7th Jul 2010, 07:26

That must be sooo exciting. I must admit....i'm very jealous! (but in a good way) Make the most of this fantastic opportunity and i hope to see you in the skies one of these days.

I appreciate you mentioning that you were to be SYD based. Saves me chasing you for that info. Now that it seems that SYD base is reaching it's final stages of recruitment maybe, just maybe, MEL will commence soon.

please, please, please, please.

8th Jul 2010, 19:55
Well, i don't know if this means anything but the Qantas application page for both SYD and MEL bases are no longer accepting applications ie: closed off. Now they only have an application for their UK base.

18th Jul 2010, 01:05
did anyone else get an interview for UK Base Crew?

Between the stars
19th Jul 2010, 12:35
I received today an email to invite me for an interview on the 5 th of august in Brisbane...

I could choose between Melbourne, Sydney or Brisbane for my interview...

Did you apply ? Is there anybody else here who applied or got invited for an interview ? Please pm me if you don't feel like posting on the forum.


22nd Jul 2010, 03:47

I recently applied for Qantas syd base. Do you know how long it takes for them to get back to after the initial application?

22nd Jul 2010, 08:28
I had my interview on the 24th of may, around June 30th they contacted my references and on the 11th of July i got sent my medical and security checks..

Between these dates i didnt hear a word and from sending my secuirty and medical off i still havnt heard anything...

Hold in there and good luck!


31st Jul 2010, 22:23
Hi everyone,

I just have a quick question as to what trips are actually given to those working for QCCA on the A380's? While I can find info about where they fly to, actually trying to find out what an average trip actually consists of seems to require more inside knowledge.

Is it just a simple matter of doing returns or can you fly to several destinations in one trip? I am aware that crew can be away for well over a week which I would then assume that the trip consists of numerous destinations. Can anyone please clarify this for me?

standard unit
1st Aug 2010, 00:13
QCCA A380 crew have two destinations.

Singapore and Los Angeles.

1st Aug 2010, 00:59
Firyice, as you already knew, Singapore and Los Angeles are the two international destinations on the A380 for Australian based crew.
The trips though are mainly 3 day trips for SIN (SYD/MEL-SIN-SYD/MEL) and 4 or 5 day trips to LAX (SYD/MEL-LAX-SYD/MEL).
However some patterns are constructed with multiple layovers in SIN separated by a slip in MEL or SYD, ie SYD-SIN-MEL-SIN-SYD.
Expected layovers in SIN are 24 or 36hrs and in LAX 40 or 64hrs.

2nd Aug 2010, 06:49
Thank you for that info. It's helped to clarify a lot.

I guess those trips will also be increasing when the new aircraft arrive also. Let's hope the recruitment for MEL base starts soon.

5th Aug 2010, 11:18
Has anyone been recently been invited to attend a medical and if so, for which base? Are you still waiting on a response from this? Was it a 'progress to the next stage' of recruitment or just to update a 'hold' status?

6th Aug 2010, 14:37

Im in the same boat i have done a medical renewal (as im with the QF group) and a clarification on what secuity pass i hold, and since i have faxed that off im just in silence again waiting to hear back.

19th Aug 2010, 01:11
Just an update, got the call last week. Training scheduled for September in Sydney for Melbourne Base :D

19th Aug 2010, 02:12
Prognosis, that's awesome! :ok: Congratulations! You'd be excited about that for sure.

Good to see the ball rolling for Melbourne base. I'm nearing the end of EP training at the moment in my Sydney A380 ground school, then moving on to Service training. First trip will be around mid-Sept - close to when you're starting perhaps?

Will you be 747/767/330 initially? Or 380 from the start?

20th Aug 2010, 00:25
Hey guys, i got my offer of employment last week and the ground school starts on the 15th of September and it is 747/767 ground school and is mixed with Sydney and Melbourne positions. :ok:

21st Aug 2010, 22:45
I received the call that I have been waiting for last week too. Congratulations to all and I look forward to meeting everyone on the 15th of Sept. The waiting is finally over. Let the fun and hard work begin! :D

3rd Sep 2010, 00:08
Are there any SYD based QCCA crew that commute from interstate?

3rd Sep 2010, 08:49
There are a fair few that commute, some pilots commute from cairns even, and lots from gold coast (they are often on my flight ool-syd) and they only have to commute once a week or so due to the length of the trips so only $25-40 each way or something like that. If you live in ool you would commute via jetstar as qantas currently dont fly out of gold coast

14th Sep 2010, 05:46
I understand that a significant amount of recruitment has taken place already this year. I registered my interest last week and was wondering whether anyone had the inside scoop on when QF might require more staff. Also, I am a former travel agent, will this give me any tiny advantage (obviously the customer service aspect helps, but does training require knowledge of airline codes, phonetic alphabet etc??). Thanks

14th Sep 2010, 11:03
Has anyone heard when the Melbourne recruitment day will be? I registered interest at the start of August and read somewhere they will be interviewing in September..? Anyone heard this either? I used to be EK crew so I would assume I'd at least get an invite but havent heard a thing yet.. Im dying of anxiety!

15th Sep 2010, 10:34
Hey Tony,

I have heard that too but i don't know from where. From what i can gather, they havent started recruiting yet. I guess the best thing to do is just to wait with fingers crossed. I am sure you know exactly what the recruitment process is like.

Time to fly

17th Sep 2010, 10:07
Thanks Time to Fly. Yeah time to play the waiting game then I guess. Hope its not too long. Post it if you hear anything else!! :ok:

18th Sep 2010, 17:03
There was suppose to be a couple of A380's delivered by the end of the year but now there is only 1 coming and the crew currently in grounds schools cover this aircraft. 3 will be coming by March next year so I think recruitment has been delayed to Nove/Dec. Hope this helps

18th Sep 2010, 23:56
Hey Galleyhag thanks for that! I wonder how many crew they will need for 3 more 380's to operate.. prob around a hundred? Anyway thats perfect.
Anyone waiting like I am?

19th Sep 2010, 06:04
I think you will find 100 crew will cover 1 aircraft so for 3 they would require around 300 crew. Its generally calculated as the number of operating crew being 22 x 4 plus some reserves this allows the aircraft to be fully crewed around the clock.

standard unit
19th Sep 2010, 06:10
Plus the requirement to replace those demoting themselves back to 747 land.

19th Sep 2010, 10:54
I can confirm that there has already been recruitment for Mel Base International as there is a group currently going through now. Many of them however have been on hold for a couple of years so I don't know if interviews were necessarily held for new recruits recently. There has also been recruitment for Sydney International and Mel and Perth Domestic.

Just keep your an eye out on your emails. I don't know what the situation is with further recruitment but I do agree that with so many more aircraft coming online, more crew will be required.

20th Sep 2010, 04:25
Yes Tony, waiting waiting.....especially difficult if, like me, you are unhappy in your current job :(
Fingers crossed we'll hear sooner rather than later.
For now, glad to hear any news/rumours that will give us a clearer picture of where QF are at with their recruitment for Syd base.

20th Sep 2010, 08:09
Will be sure to post any news and updates I hear.
Hope we are not waiting a couple of years!! :ugh:

Hey guys I've noticed that the frequency of A380 flights from Melbourne to London (via Singapore) are increasing from the week of 18 Jan and from Melbourne to LA they increase from the week of 31 Jan.. They must be needing more crew for those increased flights.. Hope Melbourne interviews start up soon to accommodate for that!:D

7th Oct 2010, 22:26
I have just checked and notice the same thing for Sydney - good news for both bases. Anyone know how long the recruitment & training process takes all up?? I am thinking it must be at least 2 months from initial contact to your first flight?? If so, working backwards from Feb I would expect the recruitment process to start again fairly soon?

8th Oct 2010, 06:42
They are also reducing crew numbers on the A380 so that may delay recruitment??

8th Oct 2010, 14:37
atravellerslife I think it'd be way longer than 2 months before your first flight. Considering recruitment can be lengthy with checking references and taking medicals, then waiting for ground school to start, then ground school typically being 6-7 weeks I think. And only then would you start flying. And I have heard how new Qantas recruits have finished ground school and then waiting, on reserve, for more than a month to start flying.

It isn't a quick process from what I've heard and experienced myself.

10th Oct 2010, 09:49
Depending if they have the crew to accommodate those new flights already by January and February, I think they will be starting to interview closer to November/December. Once that takes place then yeah, medicals need to be done and other admin things will take up more time but I dont think training will be 6-7 weeks. It says on this link that training is actually a 10 day course over 2 weeks. http://mybookingmanager.com/projects/pdf/GeneralDetsofEmploymenttoQCCA.pdf That seems quite short as I did 4 weeks with Emirates (2 for SEP, 1 for First Aid, and 2 for service) But considering QF dont teach First Aid in their training and there is less aircrafts to learn, 2 weeks sounds like enough. I think it will be closer to the end of the year before anything starts up again.. hoping they dont ALREADY have enough crew on hold..

10th Oct 2010, 10:58
I know some people who started ground school early august and are only just starting to fly as of the past couple of weeks so i believe it was 6-8 weeks ground school. and longer if you want to go straight into business & first class - extra few weeks in service training

Tony I had a read through that link you posted, looks to me like an overview of transferring from MAM to QCCA, hence the 10 day course as MAM employees already work for qantas

10th Oct 2010, 11:17
Ahhhhhh damn. Whoa thats quite long training then. So if people that went through ground school in August are just flying now then they might be the crew covering the first increase in flights??

10th Oct 2010, 11:48
Friend of a friend finished ground school early Sep and had his first flight within the week...

10th Oct 2010, 20:20
How long was the process for your friend? From hearing from them to recruitment day to ground school etc??

10th Oct 2010, 23:41
Don't have much info (friend of a friend kinda thing) but I believe it was about 1 month between job acceptance & start of ground school, and ground school took 7 weeks from day 1 to graduation. Then, as I mentioned, flying within a week. No idea how long the actual recruitment took though…I guess everyone is different but based on those dates you would be looking at AT LEAST 3 months between intital contact from QF to first flight - if you are lucky enough to be flying that soon after graduation!

11th Oct 2010, 11:10
Tony they aren't recruiting at the moment, though some current QCCA crew say end of OCT others say nov but apparently the ground schools wont be starting till beginning of next year, they wont run them through christmas. Im hanging out for it too I registered in July but because I procrastinated I missed the May recruitment. Waiting patiently for my time!

11th Oct 2010, 22:44
My friend saw a QF advert in the job section of Sydney MX yesterday - she has no idea what it was for though (might not have even been FAs), all she remembers is that it mentioned the Hilton. Does anyone have a copy they can check?

11th Oct 2010, 23:05
Hi Travellerslife,

I have never heard of the mag, are they available from Newsagencies? Is it called exactly that 'Sydney MX'?

11th Oct 2010, 23:41
MX is the free paper that they give out in Sydney/Melbourne (maybe BNE as well?).

12th Oct 2010, 08:11
Another friend also saw the ad, a much more observant friend I should add. It was for Qatar, not QF. So if you're not fussy and don't mind the move...!

12th Oct 2010, 08:19
Qantas are hiring for UK base, so it might have been QCCA but UK not australia. they are doing assessment days in syd, mel and bne

12th Oct 2010, 10:58
Thanks KK1000, Yeah it makes sense they start ground school in the new year. No time at all to recruit and start and finish training in the next 2.5 months.

12th Oct 2010, 22:55
Qatar is not for me, so wont be hunting that mag down! It may very well have been been for them, as they do have an upcoming recruitment day. I believe Qantas UK have finished recruiting (I'm waiting for the final ok from them), plus they don't hold the days at the hilton.

Good luck to all! ;)

17th Oct 2010, 17:18
Hi All!

Does anyone know from experience or heard around the traps how Qantas/Virgin feel about hiring ex EK crew for international? I love the job, but will be looking to move back home to Melbourne and I want to keep flying.

Any info would be great!


19th Oct 2010, 08:58
Hey lovetofly, I don't think it is a massive advantage, but I would assume if you have some flying experience with any quality airline it would be beneficial.. Qf are accepting interest for their A380's arriving soon so if you are flying EK's A380's then once again you would think that it would help. I'm ex EK crew and I hope it will help me!! I have heard that some ex crew have bypassed the recruitment day and gone straight to the panel interview.. But not a guarantee that's what happens

19th Oct 2010, 15:09
Hi lovetofly and tony.s, I think having some cabin crew experience definitely helps. I'm aware that quite a few ex EK cabin crews have scored positions with QCCA in the past few months and may have already started ground school or perhaps starting soon. Tony you're probably right that some ex crew bypass the screening process and go straight through to interviews - confirmed by some of the people I spoke to who landed a job with Qantas. Not sure what the exact criterias are for bypassing the initial screening though.

Hope this info helps :)

20th Oct 2010, 09:41
Just in response to Tony.s. post on october 10th

the 10 day course over 2 weeks refers to EPs ... No matter where you are in Qf group and how many a/c always 10 day then add service training d&g uniforms induction week it ends up being 6-7 weeks of ground school

20th Oct 2010, 10:12
Thanks for the info guys. Much appreciated!

Do you know if there is any QCCA crew out there that have already completed training but are waiting for a roster?
I've heard different things regarding this.. Can you shed a light? Anyone know? Anyone who is waiting?

I'm just trying to work out if QF will actually need to recruit again before the increase in A380 flights in Jan, Feb and March?

23rd Oct 2010, 01:39
Hi Tony,
When you join QCCA you complete 5-6 weeks training. Our rosters work over 8 weeks, so you finish off whatever is left of that current roster period ( we call them bid periods) by being on reserve. If this is greater than 4 weeks, then you could get a flying roster the next bid period, but generally most new crew are given a full reserve roster as their first full 8 week roster.
Starting next week, there are 4 classes (approx 64 crew) being transferred from 744/767/333 flying to go onto the A380. This has been predominantly made up of QCCA crew that started 3 years ago, although there are some QAL crew that are moving over. For this new A380 I do not believe there will be any external recruitment.
The next 380 is due Feb/March, and there are still 20-30 QCCA left on 744 etc, so they will also be transferred across. I can not say whether this will be enough crew or not, as they are currently recruiting for the London base, and they may fill the gap.
Hope this helps.... hopefully external recruitment will start again soon.

28th Oct 2010, 08:49
Thanks all for you're responses, its great, I was mainly worried that QF might not want to hire ex EK staff for whatever reason. Thanks again!

4th Nov 2010, 07:34
Hey guys, I'm sure most of you would have heard the news with the A380 in Singapore having an emergency landing..
"We have decided that we all suspend all A380 takeoffs until we are comfortable that we understand the reasons for this and we are comfortable that we can operate again," Qantas CEO Alan Joyce announced this afternoon.
Aviation sources have told ninemsn that the Australian Air Transport Safety Bureau has sent a team to Singapore to investigate the incident. If a fault is found with the A380 — which uses engines manufactured by Rolls Royce — the entire fleet could be grounded.. read the whole report on this link Qantas halts A380 take-offs after engine drama (http://news.ninemsn.com.au/national/8118748/qantas-halts-a380-take-offs-after-engine-drama)
Cant be good for recruitment starting up any time soon :{
Anyone know anything?

16th Nov 2010, 01:01
Qantas isn't expecting delays in their A380's due to the recent incidents !:D
Expecting 3 more in the next 3 months still!
Qantas sees no delay to A380 deliveries | Reuters (http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSSDYGME6C620101116)

22nd Nov 2010, 20:57
Hey guys, I applied for a position at Melbourne Airport for Qantas Customer Service Host - 12 month contract. I received an email saying that they were pleased to inform me I will be proceeding through the recruitment stage. They attached all of the security clearance forms and told me to bring them to the interview. That was in August 2010.....It is almost December now and I have not heard anything! I decided to call them and ask what was happening, and didn't really get anywhere. Just wondering whether anyone knows more? :bored:

23rd Nov 2010, 21:37
hey guys

"Alan Joyce advises that Qantas will commence A380 operations from this Saturday 27 November, with an initial QF31 service from Sydney to London via Singapore"

They are getting one back up in the air for starters and gradually re-indroducing the others. Also says still expecting 2 new aircraft by end of 2010 and 2 begining 2011, hopefully this means it wont be too long before they recruit again!!!

Fingers crossed

24th Nov 2010, 08:54
[Text speak]

Read the first sticky thread at the top of the forum.

5th Dec 2010, 07:54
Anyone heard if Qantas domestic, specifically Perth, Melbourne or Sydney are going to be recruiting again soon?

16th Dec 2010, 00:18
Anyone heard anything from Qantas Recuritement. I finished my medical and security clearance in Sept and havent heard from Qantas since?

Would be great to see the Qantas Link; buzzing again. I still check the forum everyday but only see Eithad and Emirates commenting!

17th Dec 2010, 01:07
How frustrating for you. I'm sat here hoping they start recruiting again soon, and there you are having gone through the whole process but still no start date. If they have a bit of a backlog from the last recruitment run it doesn't look promising for those of us waiting...

17th Dec 2010, 06:02
.. I got call about a month ago.. they canned two GS for ADL but they said to me that they will be opening up the bases for GS either late January or early Feb so keep your eyes peeled.. They will be contacting people via email

19th Dec 2010, 22:05
Thanks for the update bjork....Thats similiar to what i have been hearing on my thread. Ive been waiting since 30th August when i first had my candidate day!

Thanks Travelerslife - Its been HARD - I must check my emails and the web for updates every hour.

Looking forward to hearing some good news from someone on a Qantas thread soon.

6th Jan 2011, 20:50
We are in the same position here in New Zealand. Still checking emails daily though

24th Jan 2011, 05:43
Re AnneBubbles and TonyS. Hey when i had my Qantas interview i bypassed the group interview, and went straight to panel. It was purely by chance though, cos i rang to reschedual my interview, i said to them that i had been called off a SBY for my current airline, and the lady said "oh are you already cabin crew".. i said yes & she said well in that case i will just book you straight in for a penel interview. Funnily enough when i got to the interview, and was waiting in the lobby, i saw one of my fellow cabin crew waiting, and he had done the group interview as had some other guys there that were with him. So its kinda a bit of luck and maybe self promotion that get you to the panel interview. Not that it makes a lot of difference really, cos i had interview in September & im still waiting. I guess we need to have patience, which we kinda expect from the passengers, but when you want sooo sooo much to work for QF its the waiting game that is the killer.. Fingers crossed its up and running soon & good luck to all

25th Jan 2011, 12:32
Really?? I saw that they were rectruiting ground training instrcutors but no word on cabin crew??

27th Jan 2011, 05:36
Hey Guys;

Really? Im still on hold for the UK base, been waiting since the end of August 2010. Ive completed all stages. Where did you hear this? I hope its all starting up again. Nice to see some activity on this thread. Please, Please let them schedule a ground school.

Anyone else have any news?

27th Jan 2011, 07:27
I think you'll find it's registering interest for Sydney base at this stage.:)

2nd Feb 2011, 08:19
Does anyone have ANYTHING at all to add??!! Please can we have some positive news soon!

3rd Feb 2011, 05:33
Hi Guys; i haven't heard a word from Qantas and it doesn't look like anyone else has. Has anyone called them recently? I read on facebook that a few people have got jobs recently; but no word on Cabin Crew for UK or Australia!

3rd Feb 2011, 05:42
Nothing on their website stating that cabin crew positions are advertised. Hope there are?!

7th Feb 2011, 03:45
Considering their website does not say there are positions are available, I am guessing that they are not looking for cabin crew at the moment. What is the point of advertising if they have met their needs? Calling them to confirm this probably is more annoying than helpful!

Be patient guys, I am sure we will all hear from them soon enough when they are ready for more crew!

7th Feb 2011, 04:12
Just gave qantas a call; No planned CC recruitment for 2011. Thats it; i give up!

7th Feb 2011, 05:35
WHAT??!! I guess that really just means none currently planned, therefore if they do recruit it'll be many many months :{

11th Feb 2011, 07:47
I applied for Qantas domestic back in September last year. They had approx 5 GS going through before December, for ADL base, domestic. Anyway i hadnt even done a medical, and i got called, after an email in Nov to say that my application is still going through the process, yada yada, but then got a phone call late december saying that there would "probably be some GS going through late Jan to early Feb, but alsas those dates have now passed, so who knows, fingers crossed that there is some good news soon. Am i on the wrong Qantas website cos i can't find a qantas domestic thread... anyone shed some light on that for me... cheers ... and all waiting, patience & fingers crossed we hear something soon:rolleyes:

11th Feb 2011, 09:15
Hello, I just now from a friend who works there, they are recruiting the recruiter. I hope this is a positive sign. ;)

20th Feb 2011, 09:48
I must say, it is taking forever! I had my interview back in September last year for International cc (syd or melb base) and made it through all the interviewing process.

All I've heard is that they were checking refrences and then I got an email early January saying I was on active hold. No, medical or reference checks as of yet. :ugh: Anyone else in the same boat? The waiting is killing me! haha. Hold in there everyone! ;)

22nd Feb 2011, 22:45
They are internally recruiting for the London Base again. I think their is still an external recruitment freeze in place although crew are really needed for the A380 operation.

24th Feb 2011, 10:52

Read the first sticky thread at the top of this forum.

24th Feb 2011, 22:20
No planned external recruitment for QCCA in 2011. Several GS will be held in the coming months for applicants put on hold in '09 and '10. Whether this is what actually happens is anyone's guess!

24th Mar 2011, 02:02
I am really confused I applied for Q Domestic & International through the Qantas website and was sent the email saying "we are reviewing your application and will be in contact with you shortly" I Logged back onto the job information site where I entered all my details and suddenly the job status says they are "currently no longer accepting job submissions" and the application were "Inactive", I logged out and then went back in and the status had changed to "accepting job submissions" I am very confused, has anyone else experienced this?

24th Mar 2011, 06:47
I am newly registered but have been a frequent visitor for many years,
perhaps the moderator may consider closing this thread, QCCA refers to Qantas Casual Contract A (or words to that effect) Circa 2002 an employment opportunity that has long passed, I was employed under QCCB, there was also QCCC, QCCD.......:ok:

24th Mar 2011, 09:51
Sorry mate but QCCA in the thread title actually means Qantas Cabin Crew Australia which is the subsidiary that long-haul Qantas cabin crew are hired under at present. :ok:

26th Mar 2011, 22:40
BubblyGuy is correct.... there's also a newly formed QD, but that's the domestic branch. QCCA were created end of 2007 and that's the only current International branch being hired.

27th Mar 2011, 20:38
I read on Cabin Crew.com that recruiting will start again in May this source said they found out from Galley fm. Fingers crossed there is some truth to this.

30th Mar 2011, 07:53
After todays news I think any recruitment is on hold for the rest of the year, now to move on and put it to the back of my mind!

Qantas to scrap planes, jobs as fuel costs bite (http://www.smh.com.au/business/qantas-cuts-jobs-and-flights-as-fuel-costs-bite-20110330-1cfa7.html)

30th Mar 2011, 09:09
Nope! I am staying opimistic! They have said only management will be made redundant at this stage. As for early retirement of the 2 Boeing planes, don't forget they have A380s due. Staff turnover cannot be avoided - retirement, change of career/airline, pregnancy/family committments etc etc. We will get it this year!!!
PS I have applied for other options just in case ;)
PPS Haven't seen any May rumours on galleyfm or cc.com....

30th Mar 2011, 20:48
You are right Travllerslife we should stay positive! I have applied for Qantas Domestic as well I am even considering Qantas Link as an option. I have checked my job page on Qantas/Taleo and it does state "no longer accepting submissions" so that is not good, but who knows? :confused:

20th May 2011, 07:34
I certainly hope they are recruiting this year - fingers crossed! Any more news or rumours relating to this?

Does anyone know if it would be wise to register my interest now by applying through their website (even though they're not hiring at present), or whether it is better to wait until they're actually recruiting to go through the application process? I wasn't sure if the application would just get 'lost' if I did it now (that, and I don't yet have a first aid certificate). Any advice would be greatly appreciated :-)

20th Jan 2012, 11:31
so does anyone know of anything happening on the QCCA front for 2012? :confused:

20th Jan 2012, 11:38
From what I've heard through qantas recruiters is that if positions come up. MAM employees yet preference first over external. Apparently. No news on them hiring though. As far as I know there's just been a huge casual recruit - seems to be the way going. Easier, cheaper etc but positions still come up I'd guess.

21st Jan 2012, 01:19
Hopfully recruitment comes up soon
I have put in an expression of interest for Perth Base domestic
Also have applied Cobham - who staff Qantaslink B717 fleet here in Perth

Hopefully soon