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View Full Version : Number of landings ?

17th May 2008, 19:18
I realise that there is no straight answer as no two aircraft are the same and many factors have to be taken into consideration, but how many landings/take offs can be expected from one set of tyres before they are replaced ??


17th May 2008, 20:07
Impossible to answer, how long does a car's tyre set last? Depends what you do with them and what surface you're landing/taxying on, type of tyre, pressure of tyre....the list goes on......sorry

17th May 2008, 20:16
Dunno, but airliner tyres are re-treaded several times and the re-treads last longer than the new tyres do.


17th May 2008, 23:21
I've seen tires last ten landings, and some last a hundred. I used to rotate the sabreliner 60's tires on the wheel because they angled in so much that the tire would wear out with half the treat on the outer half gone and the inner half untouched, otherwise. I've gone several hundred hours on some sets of tires on some aircraft, and seen others that didn't last but a few landings.

Far too little information is provided to answer the question with any hint of detail.

Notso Fantastic
18th May 2008, 07:08
Years ago, large jets used to get about 200 landings out of the tyres. Now with vastly better retreading, they seem to go on much longer. They are checked very carefully each flight, and these days, tyres are hardly ever cause of trouble.