View Full Version : Imagery

14th May 2008, 10:15
Whenever I hear the Italian ATC saying "Coordination in Progress" I have this picture of a heap of flightstrips on a table surrounded by a host of controllers fighting for what is theirs!

Then there are the really helpful guys on 135.540 coming up thru Berry Head. i know they are all at Swanwick now but I have this picture of a quaint radar room on the edge of Dartmoor manned by rural controllers musing on the views over the moor. Also who is the hypnotist that does a bit of controlling on the side? LOL

I liked the one the other day when it wasn't too busy who just said "KEGUN Wun DELTA" . Then another one calls up and gets the same. Controller then said "I'm one of those older guys who doesnt give you all those headings and speeds to fly at..." It added a bit of humour to a long day!

Finally I know this has been posted elsewhere but I do think it is quite funny:-

Philly Funnies (http://youtube.com/watch?v=j2z0ZwI4bwE)