View Full Version : BOOK on LATCC

Lorie Coffey
9th May 2008, 19:47
I am presently researching a book on LATCC. I spent a long time there myself as an Air Traffic Control Assistant and am now a writer with my own publishing company. When I get together with ex collegues we always chat about the old days. I have now decided that it would be a good idea to get all these stories down on paper before we all get too old to remember.
I would love to hear from anybody who worked there both operational and non operation, military and civil who has a story to tell, pilots who may have had interesting conversation with controllers, or anybody with an amusing anecdote or memory.
Please dont post your stories here as it will spoil the surprise! Please can you send me a private message or e-mail.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you


12th May 2008, 11:50
Hi I used to work with you back in the SIRS saga days. If you go to the CAA retired staff webb page you will see an advert from me about the souvenier booklet I helped produce. Also in CONTRAIL last year I floated the suggestion for a book similar to the Heathrow Tower one and that I would be willing to assist in editing. Researching for the booklet I found an archive of NATS material that I am currently making sure is securely stored which again would be very useful in a larger volume. If you would like to contact me via an e-mail response thro PPRUNE I would be happy to send you a copy of the booklet and discuss your ideas. I also now have several e-mail addresses of old lags who would certainly be able to provide info. :ok:

12th May 2008, 11:52
Moldi.. Hope you get a response. My email to him/her went unanswered.

14th May 2008, 05:30
Lorie is a "her"!

Eddie Dapre
22nd May 2008, 11:13
Hi Lorrie,
I met you at several meeting when you were linking between Latcc & Swanwick - I don't expect you remember me. Dave, an engineer now at Swanwick, e-mailed me that you were thinking of writing a book on LATCC. I was at SATCC 1968-1970, was in the group that tested CASOR 1970 and was on duty in 1971 when it went operational. I was based at LARS 1976-1988 then back to LATCC Development and in 1995 Eng Ops - retiring early in Feb 2003. I have various books, photos and pamphlets produced from 1968 onwards. I sent Dave a cd of my photos and could do the same for you if you wished. Good Luck with your project. Eddie

Lorie Coffey
22nd May 2008, 12:02
My apologies to all of you who wrote to me. I thought that I was going to get an e-mail from the system informing me that I had a message but nothing arrived so I thought that there was no interest! I should have just logged on and had a look at the forum!
I am getting some terrific stories and I am now convinced that this is a good idea and will be battling forward.
I have decided to add a small section on training at Hurn, just because there are so many good stories out there, just wonder if there are any original "Dead Ants" out there so I could get the story from the horses mouth?
I will now check this forum daily in the hope that I may get a few more replies.
Thank you all who have offered to help so far, more stories/anecdotes gratefully received. Also photos etc.
I will have alink from my web site in a few days

www.redmistbooks.com (http://www.redmistbooks.com)

Lorie (Female!!)

21st Nov 2008, 21:47
Hi there.

Did you get my last reply to your e-mail address regarding the history of the ATC system in the UK?

Do you have an opinion about the files I sent you of parts of the book?


22nd Nov 2008, 19:03
All sorts of stories from RAF and Civvy. Remember Chelsea first team playing my NATS 11 group team there in 1986 ish. Several internationals changing in our hanger hall and playing there. Can you imagin that today!
Are you after specific ATC stuff?