View Full Version : Winglet Installation/Removal

21st Apr 2008, 20:01
Hi All,

As my first post this is a question that I can't find an answer to after a lot of web searching. Stumbled upon this website which seems to be a really a vast database of knowledge!

In any case, I understand that winglets on aircraft may often have to be replaced due to damage (lightening etc.). I been told that the winglets are removed by attaching a sling to 3 hardpoints and lifting it off with a forklift or hoist. Is this the case? I'm sure that if you were doing it outside and it were windy, it may prove quite a difficult procedure as the wind sways the winglet. Are there any other methods used to remove and also install these. They are a sizeable distance from the ground!!


22nd Apr 2008, 16:55
Seem to remember that on a 747-400 it takes one guy with a spanner for the 3 or 4 bolts involved, and at least two with non slip gloves to hold the winglet and lay it down carefully on something soft.
But not in much wind, then it would be a hangar job.
Not much performance penalty but a lot of noise from press, when they notice. The DDM only allows for one at a time to be missing, when I asked around at Boeing why only one, the unofficial reply was that if you are that unlucky you should stay on the ground.

22nd Apr 2008, 18:15
Tinymind, thanks.

After the removal of the bolts, it's the getting it down to the ground part I am really interested in. Is there some sort of cradle used?

22nd Apr 2008, 19:45
buckfast winglets are not that heavy,two mechs in a cherrypicker is all that is required .On the a/c i know well , A320 there is no hard points to lift winglet.

22nd Apr 2008, 22:03
A320 doesn't really count does it it's only a toy winglet. the A330 one is much more representative and according to the AMM weighs approx 60 Kg so a couple of blokes and a cherry picker should be no problem. There is, however, a sling, probably nobody has one apart from Airbus.

23rd Apr 2008, 09:51
Cradle? Well no, not seen one. You would work from a lift platform, something bigger than a cherry picker for a 747-400, and just lay it down as carefully as you could on whatever you could find with half an hours warning, timber, packaging ect. Then carry it off the paltform.
The new one may be on a crate or support but likely as not you are robbing anyway.