View Full Version : Skyguide pension scheme

13th Mar 2008, 20:23
Hi there, i'd like to know more about the pension scheme offered by skyguide to expatriates controllers. I heard the retirement is mandatory at 55. What after that ? Full pension? lump sum and good bye?
thanks for sharing personal experience and your knowledge about that!

14th Mar 2008, 09:35
short sceme how it work here:

1.age 2.percentage of your salary you pay 3.your employer pays

18- 1.30%- 2.70%
20- 6.55%- 5.95%
25- 7.15%- 7.60%
30- 8.50%- 7.75%
35- 8.65%- 8.60%
40- 9.00%- 10.25%
45- 9.00%- 13.25%
50- 9.15%- 19.10%
55- 9.15%- 25.60%

If you start with 18 you end up with approx 2 millions CHF.
You quit working as ATCO with 55 but there is a possibility to remain supervisor or expert until????
But to be honest, our union is fighting to keep the retirement at 55, so you should take it as a gift, buy you hut in Thailand and do whatever you feel like (and I'm sure that's not ATC) :-)

Hope I could help you this far....

15th Mar 2008, 20:03
:sad: Let say you get hired at 40 years old, how is your pension going to look like when you retired at 55? I mean what will be your monthly income?

16th Mar 2008, 08:13
Well to figure out exact digits, it would take me some time, but I'll give you a rough estimate. Since hell, retirement is still soooooo far away.
Alright lets stick to the percentages I gave you earlier. If you kickoff with 40 years old at Skyguide you'ld earn around (depending on experience lets say 15 years?!?!) about 160'000 CHF maybe slightly more. Salary will rise with time but not significantly. So with 55 you'ld end up with approx 600'000 CHF in you pension found. But as I mentioned earlier, you can work anther few years and gain some more.
You can get the cash the day you retire, or take out some money each year/ month, up to you (income tax will **** you if you go for the lot at once)
Thereafter in Switzerland as you reach 65 years you get a pension by the governement which leaves you with maybe 2000.- per month (depends if you're married, kids aso) but to be honest I have no idea how it works for non citizens. And then you still got savings.

If you're really interested I'll try to get hold of a digital version of our contract for pension regulation PM me yor Mailadress.
Where do you work at the moment? Skyguide is looking for people, just need to get hold of the right people, HR as everywhere sucks!