View Full Version : Stranded over Afghanistan

3rd Mar 2008, 15:34
As we crossed Afghanistan yesterday lunch-time, we heard a poor harrassed pilot who sounded British with a 6 figure alpha-numeric callsign, flying-I think- from Bangkok to somewhere in Europe. He had just been refused entry into Turkmenistan, so negotiated a re-route to enter Uzbekistan/Tajikistan. Guess what, they refused him too, so he told Kabul that he was diverting to Goa and headed south for Pakistan.

Now I know that you know what came next! As we exited stage west, he was in a holding pattern awaiting some diplomatic magic from the Kabul controller after Pakistan had refused him entry too! I offered to buy him a beer, but it was a fairly safe bet that he wasn't going to be in the same continent as me last night!

If anyone knows how the story ended, I'd love to find out!!

4th Mar 2008, 01:35
just call Muscrat and proceed "tactical" YES!!!

4th Mar 2008, 10:06
Please forgive the damn fool question, but shouldn't he have cleared his intended flight before arriving at the border?

4th Mar 2008, 10:55
Not much profit earned by that particular flight then. :ugh:

The Controlller
4th Mar 2008, 11:50
BOBCAT slots over Afghan airspace MUST be confirmed before leaving station of origin or watch your A**E :ok: