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View Full Version : Aspects of communication in Aeronautical English

1st Mar 2008, 18:44

I'd like to draw your attention to verbal miscommunication using the English language. The resaon: I handed in my thesis on Thursday after (and still) conducting an online-survey on this matter. The results are now online and available under www.aero-lingo.com (http://www.aero-lingo.com) Maybe it helps you with gaining some awareness on things you have not been thinking of so far. I would be happy if I knew that I have contributed something useful.

Take care


6th Mar 2008, 18:09
Interesting site you have there.

Your mention of the Helios 2005 disaster though, I think is unfair. There was inadequate oxygen in the cabin and so the pilots' brains would not have been able to function properly. They wouldn't have been able to thought process what was happening properly and therefore would not have been able to think about the problem in enough depth as to communicate it over the radio.

9th Mar 2008, 17:01
Dear BerksFlyer,

The Helios accident communication problems were inter-cockpit (German Captain and Cypriot F/O with ability to communicate for routine, normal situations but inadequate for abnormal situations) as well as with the Engineers on the ground. These problems, from my understanding of accident reports, would have been evident prior to any hypoxia setting in.

Best to all,