View Full Version : ATSA Quals and Training - Help Please

28th Feb 2008, 20:55
Hi All

Please would someone point me in the direction of where I can find out what quals you need to become a NATS ATSA and what the training entails. Have trawled the NATS site but can't find anything useful.

Thanks in advance

Dances with Boffins
29th Feb 2008, 10:20
There is no global selection process for ATSAs in NATS. When external recruitment does take place [which is rare these days] it is done locally by the unit that needs an ATSA [or ATSAs]. This only happens though if internal recruitment is unsuccessful.
Best bet is to send your CV to the Manager ATC at the unit you wish to work at.
Minimum qualifications are "ability to walk upright" and "possess opposable thumbs". It is more dependent on what sort of person you are [accuracy and an ability to learn are more important than academic prowess at school].

If you post here where you want to work, maybe some kind soul will PM you the details of who to send your letter to....

1st Mar 2008, 12:21
You forgot to add;
Have a thick skin, be prepared to be ignored by God like creatures, be reminded on a daily basis that you WILL be replaced by a machine, be managed by people who have no management experience or aptitude whatsoever and a personal favorite get paid a fraction of your real worth because you are not God like.

Apart from that it depends on being in the right place at the right time :ugh:

Good luck

1st Mar 2008, 15:54
You need.Luck...[Right place right time]
Keyboard skills
A "Reasonable" education [4+ O levels]
A Sense of Humour [thanx winco]
Ability to "Think on your feet"
Luck did I say that?

Look at www.ais.org.uk (http://www.ais.org.uk) for phone numbers [You have to join but it's free
Good Luck

1st Mar 2008, 16:44
Minimum qualifications are "ability to walk upright" and "possess opposable thumbs".

That's a bit off. I've worked with some fantastic ATSAs. And a good one is worth their weight in gold. I'm sure many ATCOs will agree.

MetalThrower, Chiglet is right. It is quite heavily based on luck these days, but Manchester has just recently had an external recruitment drive so they do come up now and again. Be aware tho that most, if not all external posts will be ATSA1 in a simulator as a 'blip-driver'. But once you're in, there are many more opportunities that will appear. Just ignore all the crap about redundancies. They have been saying that for the last 15 years!

Depnding what sort of post you're applying for, eg Area, Approach or Airport, my advice is to learn as much as you can about the airspace (sector names, geography, even frequencies etc) and how ATC works in general. Do that and you should be in good stead for any interviews you get. The UK AIP is a good stop for up-to-date information too. Failing that, an ATSA I know was successful by playing on the London Control ATC simulator on her PC. It only costs about £30 and is really accurate in terms of appearance and functionality.

You can download the demo for free, and buy it if you wish from their site.

Good luck