View Full Version : News about cyclogyros

27th Feb 2008, 08:02
A small robotic aircraft powered by rotating "paddle-wheel" wings could yet rule the skies, if renewed interest in an antique design bears fruit.
Several international research groups are working on prototype "cyclogyros", a design first proposed more than 100 years ago.

A cyclogyro flies using "cycloidal propellers" – several wings positioned around the edge of a rotating cylindrical framework, a bit like a paddle-wheel. As each wing rotates, its blades move through the air generating lift and thrust.

Link to the Youtube video:

Link to the article in NewScientist:

More about the cyclogyro:


27th Feb 2008, 22:01
Actually, this concept has done very well in marine applications requiring very compact power handling and manouvreability:
But marine applications are not so weight critical as a VTOL aircraft, and even so most vessels still use propellors.

For helicopter application the problem always comes down to achieving the lowest disk loading that can be achieved for a given performance envelope. This system will ingest air over at best an ellipse, which for a given size and weight will never beat a helicopter ingesting air over a disk.

That said, hats off to these guys for making the effort, and making a little bit of transport history come true. :ok:

28th Feb 2008, 00:43
You can read all about it, here:


28th Feb 2008, 03:33

... and for some newer stuff;

A New VTOL UAV Cyclocopter with Cycloidal Blades System (http://cyclocopter.snu.ac.kr/paper/AHS_forum60.pdf)

US Patent 6,932,296 August 23, 2005 (http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1&Sect2=HITOFF&d=PALL&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsrchnum.htm&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1=6,932,296.PN.&OS=PN/6,932,296&RS=PN/6,932,296)

28th Feb 2008, 16:33
The real benefit with this system is that pilots can earn a buck low level crop-harvesting. :}

I enjoy these sorts of ideas, but it all looks very complex. There is an old cine-film somewhere of a piloted cycloidal wing machine thrashing itself to bits...

28th Feb 2008, 18:01
Old cycloidal machine thrashing into bits. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uROgVhuqJuM&NR=1)

28th Feb 2008, 18:38
Piloted rotary wing machine in early preparation for thrashing into bits. (http://www.unicopter.com/Temporary/Kaman_Spraying.jpg)