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26th Feb 2008, 07:12
I'm a military pilot who is looking for a JAA CRMI Course to complete before leaving the service. There are a number of UK providers.

Can anyone recommend any of these providers?

26th Feb 2008, 16:34
Check any providor gives you copy of their UK CAA CRMI Course Authorisation and that will then provide confidence that you will receive a proper validated course.

Look in Flight International back pages under tuition to contact them.

Mister Geezer
26th Feb 2008, 19:35
If you are paying or this out of your own pocket - then why not wait until you are in a opportunity where you can get your future civilian employer to pay it for you?

Non-PC Plod
27th Feb 2008, 15:08
360 Auto,

Try Global Air Training, near Chester. I have personal experience at training with them, and can verify they are very professionally run, and get an interesting mix of CRMI students from all sorts of operations worldwide. This makes for a good pool of knowledge and experience when you work together on the course.


27th Feb 2008, 23:22
I echo the sentiments,Global Air Training are top class.

28th Feb 2008, 00:58
Ditto re- Global Air Training

29th Feb 2008, 07:28
Try Omega Training Solutions. They give a very good course authorised by UK CAA.
Very experienced trainers.

1st Mar 2008, 09:49
Is there not any online CRM course ? Does not have to be JAA.

Like for the FAA RVSM 199$ with King.

This will be better for the pilots that have problems in a group. They can do it alone on the internet. :D

Mister Geezer
1st Mar 2008, 11:02
And how would a CRM course work when you do it on your own on the internet?? :ugh: Simply won't work!!!

8th Mar 2008, 15:34
Mister Geezer
Sorry, next time I will mark my jokes better.
Specifically for you! :ugh::ugh:

But than again after doing a dozen of this CRM sessions I would be happy to do a course on the internet just to comply with legal requirements.

And when flying with mixed nationals as crew why even bother with CRM as most crew do not understand each other. Level 4 English requirement was moved again.

One thing is clear, the ones that already practice CRM in the cockpit do not need the course and the ones that would need the course reject the whole idea behind it regardless how often they have to listen to it.
For the new kids it might be interesting but after the 5th discussion of the Tenerife accident it gets boring. And we all can see “seconds to disaster” report on TV if we want.

And playing group games I can do with my family. By the way, CRM at it best, if one takes the time to analyze own and others behavior.

Hey, now I see a fully new concept, PPRUNERS that are involved in safety discussion about crew actions can get signed off by the Moderator as a CRM course equivalent. What a great idea, online CRM. I knew it was not a joke:D

8th Mar 2008, 19:37
Mister Geezer, your response (#9) implies that you feel that the social CRM aspects dominate training, i.e. the need to work together, personal interchange, teamwork, etc. However, a more balanced view might ask ‘why not train on-line?’, after all CRM training should encourage alternative options and the use of all resources.

IMHO, the more important aspects of CRM involve knowledge (human performance and technical issues / interaction), and the behavioural aspects associated with the use of that knowledge. The latter relates to awareness and decision making, and the judgement required to maintain safety. Many of these can be taught on line, although review and assessment will require special interaction.
In order to form a good team you require the best individuals, so first start with them and their thinking abilities.
I wonder how many operators review their CRM syllabus against the contributors to incidents and accidents. Do they ‘cherry pick’ the easy-to-train items (social interaction / games), whereas the more difficult subjects of how to think, assess, choose, and monitor fall by the wayside.
Is the industry too focussed on the ‘soft’ social aspects of CRM as opposed to the more meaningful safety related cognitive issues?

1xxxxx1, ‘CRM from Pprune’ – you might have a good point there. It’s quite an education if you take some of the posts at face value, and some really do indicate a poor understanding of CRM. There is much that CRM instructors can learn about human nature in this forum.

Mister Geezer
9th Mar 2008, 20:53
But than again after doing a dozen of this CRM sessions I would be happy to do a course on the internet just to comply with legal requirements.

And when flying with mixed nationals as crew why even bother with CRM as most crew do not understand each other. Level 4 English requirement was moved again.

Depends on what state we are dealing with regarding their CRMI training requirements. Some unscrupulous regulator could well approve an on line CRMI training program, but their attitude to the task could be viewed as nothing more than a 'tick box' exercise! Here in Europe, on line CRMI training will be unthinkable for some time and quite right too!

I find it totally unacceptable that that CRM should be overlooked just because you are operating with different nationalities! In fact that is even more reason for making an effort with CRM training for those crews!:ugh: Keep the jokes coming please! :}

IMHO, the more important aspects of CRM involve knowledge (human performance and technical issues / interaction), and the behavioural aspects associated with the use of that knowledge. The latter relates to awareness and decision making, and the judgement required to maintain safety. Many of these can be taught on line, although review and assessment will require special interaction.

Crew interaction and judgement skills can not be exercised in front of a PC. These are life skills and CRMI courses need a captive audience for the trainee to get the best out of the various presentations and discussions that are carried out at these courses. CRM is not a 'black and white' exercise and that is why an artificial environment such as being on line will not work for CRMI training!