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View Full Version : Requirements for an airport...

17th Feb 2008, 20:56
Hi all,

Just wondering what are the minimum requirements are for an airport/airfield when used for commercial ops? Some of the places I fly into with a 737 seem to be bare minimums (which doesn't surprise me).
Any ideas for a turboprop operating domestic flights? I'm assuming some level of security and firefighting presence are required, with no need for customs.
Any info (or where to find these requirements in the JAA/CAA books) would be much appreciated.

Many thanks,


Kieran Smith
17th Feb 2008, 21:03

I am not sure if this is of any use to you:


18th Feb 2008, 15:18
Cheers, had a look through it but I'm sure there's plenty of differences with the FAA. I tried emailing the CAA but haven't had any luck with them yet, I know they're pretty busy.
Any other ideas would be welcomed!

18th Feb 2008, 17:03
Just got a reply from the CAA, they sent me a copy of the CAP 168, so if anyone's after a similar answer take a look there

21st Feb 2008, 11:49
CAP 168 says it very well but with some local (UK) idiosyncracies...

ICAO Annexe 14 is the horse's mouth, or was when I last looked.

dfc jr
23rd Feb 2008, 14:04
CAP168 is the best book for this info. i swear by it