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View Full Version : In Flight entertainment on the flight deck!

17th Feb 2008, 00:45
One of the few pleasures I have whilst flying across Europe was to tune in 675 on the ADF Aero Classic Rock Amsterdam. One of the few stations you can receive all over Europe.
However in the last week or so the station seems to have been replaced with some bizarre religious station! Does anyone know what happened to aero classic?

For that matter can anyone recommend frequencies for other quality stations?

17th Feb 2008, 00:50
Was wondering what was up with it, nothing beats listening to Pink Floyd at FL390.

Virgin radio isn't great, only really pick up on the ground during turnarounds in southern England.

17th Feb 2008, 00:54
Looks like they've gone to FM :(


17th Feb 2008, 00:56
Given how busy the European ATC environment is, do you really think it is professional conduct to be "indulging in one of your few pleasures". Airline flying in this type of environment requires a high degree of monitoring and cross checking, and whilst there may well be time for the odd distraction provided the other pilot is happy to shoulder your workload, I would recommend you save your indulgence until you are back in your car or otherwise off duty.

I am rather surprised that the captains you fly with allow this to take place on a regular basis ?

Perhaps God is trying to give you a hint. ;)

Ray D'Avecta
17th Feb 2008, 01:19
Listen very carefully; :}

Go to this website


scroll down the page and you will find a list of ALL MW frequencies in western europe. Cut and paste it into a word document, and you have all the info at your fingertips

17th Feb 2008, 07:08
Given how busy the European ATC environment is,

You ever flown across the southern north sea at about 3AM.... hundreds and hundreds of miles of nothing.

Real shame if 675 has gone. A bit of classic rock in the cruise always helped lift the mood on a tired flight deck.
Speaking of which, it was a dark day when Atlantic 252 turned "talk sport" radio and dropped its power. In the old days I've managed to listen to A252 well down the west african coast.

17th Feb 2008, 13:24
Every time I go to Euroland there's always one blocke who a controller has to call four times for an answer. :ooh:

17th Feb 2008, 18:20
Ah Bealzebub!

A typical thread jumper! I didn’t ask if it was right or wrong just what happened to good old 675! As for your surprised a Captain would allow it, your very presumptuous. Personally I find a little bit of music helps keep me alert on a long day.

O and feel free im sure your itching to correct my spelling or grammar!

Ray thanks for the tip! Will try them out in the car of course:}

17th Feb 2008, 22:35
A typical thread jumper A typical thread jumper, or an atypical thread jumper ?

I didn't think replying 11 minutes after you posted the thread was jumping too far from the subject. I appreciate your question concerned a range of radio station frequencies with which you could amuse yourself whilst engaged in public transport operations in Europe, and that my reply was unhelpful in this regard. However since you had originally posted this thread in the Rumours & News forum, it was not an unreasonable presumption that the subject had more gravitas even if that was unintentional or uninvited.

On the subject of my being presumptive that your captains would allow this on a regular basis. The point was not lost at the time of writing, that such a presumption might sadly prove unfounded.

I accept that your employing airline may advocate the use of commercial music stations to help its pilots stay alert. Although I doubt it, I really don't know. I always thought this was an occupation that required careful attention to communication, unencumbered by one pilot feeling the need to be tuned in elsewhere on a regular basis ?

As for spelling or grammer, attention to those details rather misses the point of the reply. There again perhaps not ? :}

17th Feb 2008, 22:45
Does anyone have a shorthand list of MW freq for the Pacific. Most importantly not loking for an all encompassing list of frequencies,more interested in those freq which prove to be reliable in signal strength and content

18th Feb 2008, 11:19
Geezz Bealzebub, you sound like a real riot to fly with. Do you ever read in the cruise??

18th Feb 2008, 13:47
Yes Rednex, and I have no problem with anybody else doing that either. Providing that the prime task of handling and managing the aircraft is attended to at all times. I don't mind anybody reading a newspaper or magazine or similar, provided the aircraft is in level cruise and normally with both pilots on the flight deck. There are a few individuals who feel it is ok to carry on with this distraction when the aircraft is climbing or decending or otherwise manoevering, and this I find not acceptable. Likewise with "closing their eyes" or otherwise being out of the loop. There are times when this is a sensible course of action, and provided the other pilot assumes full control and authority and recognises and accepts the lack of monitoring and cross checking that will apply during these times, then so be it.

However listening to rock music on the ADF receiver, or their ipod or whatever other inflight entertainment they feel they need, is not what they are paid for, and since it isn't necessary, may seriously and unnecessarily distract from the task required. There are times when a break from the routine is necessary and desirable, but if listening to music on the radio is "one of the few pleasures" that whiles away the time in the European ATC environment, for a professional pilot, then I would suggest it shows poor airmanship, leadership, and certainly advertising the fact in public, poor judgement.

Being "a riot to fly with" doesn't require me to accept poor / mediocre standards from those I fly with, nor to demonstrate the same.

18th Feb 2008, 17:46
Ah Beazlebub.....I rest my case!

If you feel the need to vent your frustrations maybe you should try this site
http://www.grumpieroldmen.co.uk/forum/phpBB210/index.php :}


By the way I once worked for an airline that did not allow newspapers full stop!! You were only able to read articles related to the operation!

But each to there own, happy flying everyone!

18th Feb 2008, 19:09
:) Thank you Redwings, as soon as this site stops being fertile ground, I will give it a try. :ouch:

18th Feb 2008, 19:21
Beazlebub, Im glad to see you do have a sense of humour!

So whats your fave station??

18th Feb 2008, 19:42
If by that you mean "favourite channel on the wireless " whilst driving to work, then it has to be ...... No I am not going to be drawn in ! :=

20th Feb 2008, 22:44
favourite channel on the wireless

Wireless! How old are you??? :E

21st Feb 2008, 10:48
Beezlebub, on entering the flight deck do you slip into your nice comfy slippers? donning a pipe (not lit of course) :p

23rd Feb 2008, 22:19
Greenslopes....if you are flying in the vicinity of Orstrayliar....especially up and down the East coast...try 1368 "2GN" out of Goulbourn. The mother of all transmitters...long nights on night freight.....no ads, just all sorts of music. Some nights, you'd even get it on the ground in Brizzy! And you'd get it all the way from mid-climb out out of Sydney, til just about Sully in Adelaide.:ok:

I'd be curious to see how far off the coast you would get it!

5th Mar 2008, 10:51
Back in the 198x I recall a station xmitting music in USB but the freq ......?

5th Mar 2008, 14:02
So I suppose watching 6 episodes of Blackadder on a Haj sector would be considered a little off the mark would it :E

Best one was Private Plane - my favorite - Woof, Woof........Bark