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View Full Version : Premature Virgin

9th Feb 2008, 14:38
Hello All,

Firstly, before I get flamed and burned at the stake, I am not a pro in any way, just a very interested aviation observer. I'll no doubt get some terms wrong in this post but please forgive me the odd indiscretion.

I live on the approach into LHR, about seven maybe eight miles and a couple of turns before final approach. I see hundreds of beautiful birds fly over every day, but just now I saw a VS 747-400 come overhead with it's gear down. This is not usually the case with any aircraft I've seen. Can anyone tell me why this may be?

Cheers All.

9th Feb 2008, 14:48
Could be that he just needed more drag to decel to below flap limit speed.

Gin Jockey
10th Feb 2008, 09:36
Could be that he wanted to extend the landing prior to touchdown. Always helpful I'm told.

10th Feb 2008, 11:33
Hi GJ,

Thanks for the reply. What do yu mean by this? Sorry for sounding stoopid!


A Very Civil Pilot
10th Feb 2008, 15:12
I think GJ was being a little sarcastic!!

An aircraft needs to be below a certain speed before you can lower it's flaps. If you are too fast at a time when you really need to have flaps, lowering the gear earlier than usual will increase the drag of the aircraft and thus slow it down.