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View Full Version : Flying without a passport

7th Feb 2008, 16:48

I recall once being told that for standard schedule international flights the carriage of a passport wasn't necessary if one had a valid company ID and license; particularly if one is not deplaning and is merely turning around and going back to ones home base. Obviously the carriage of a passport is preferred.

I ask as I was wondering how one gets around the renewing the passport, which can take a few weeks.

Any thoughts?

7th Feb 2008, 17:25
Make an appointment at your local passport office and wait and get it on the same day perhaps?!

7th Feb 2008, 18:07
You might get away with it, but what if the a/c goes tech enroute? You'll be stuffed, and your company will be unimpressed.

8th Feb 2008, 06:18
There are two answers to this:
1. It depends where you're flying. If you're an EU citizen within the EU, then you don't need a passport to travel, just "suitable identification". The practical problem is that for Brits with (as yet) no government issue ID card it can be hard to persuade customs etc that you have anything they regard as suitable.
2. It depends how long ago you were told this. My first CPL had a photograph on it and a paragraph stating that it had the privileges of a passport. You then didn't in theory need to carry a passport, but in practice had the same problem as above. The Home Office removed this privilege some decades ago now, so the CAA removed the requirement to have a photo on your licence just in time for all sorts of security stuff to bring in the requirement to always have photo ID. Great!:confused:

8th Feb 2008, 07:28
Most AIPs has a section called "Entry Requirements".

8th Feb 2008, 07:53

What to do while it is off being renewed?

In the old days as a journalist, I had two passports. Then while one was off being renewed/getting visas etc etc I used the other.

Also watched which countries put their stamps in which passports - ie Israel/Turkey/Cyprus etc

Passport Office has a helpline, give them a call,

Very best,


ps. Of course, some journos had an Irish as well as a UK passport (easy to do if you can find just one distant Irish relative!) But Irish passports - while being fine if you want to be "non-British" in troubled parts of the world - used to cost about double the price of UK ones.

8th Feb 2008, 09:11
The last comment has just reminded me, it is still possible to have 2 passports if you have a justifiable reason. Perhaps you should renew yours and think about getting another in a few years, so the renewal dates will be offset and you'll never be without a valid passport. As the previous poster mentions, this has some advantages if you travel regularly, for example, to Isreal & some of the Arab states in the mdidle east, can hide certain stamps from certain countries immigration officials then :)

8th Feb 2008, 10:43
Funny is - I have 3 passports - but from 3 different countries.
Might be convenient, but also creates problems...
I have a Belgian passport (EU) as I was born in Belgium.
Then I got a US passport by immigration to that country.
Finally got an Argentina passport, again by immigration.
I fly for Aerolineas Argentinas. Generally to Europe, occasionally to USA.
As crewmember, very few problems getting though immigration.
Except USA of course.
In Madrid or Rome, we pass through crew immigration, get waved through.
For USA, same crew immigration... but each passport is closely checked.
Crew visa, etc... To avoid all that, in Miami, I use my US Passport.
Some 3 years ago, I took a few weeks leave to do a contract.
Ferry 4 airplanes from Texas to Russia.
So I arrived with my crew in Miami, on an Argentina flight.
Then we take a US domestic flight to Texas. I buy our tickets with cash.
One way tickets... Going through TSA Security.
With me, my flight case. Boeing manuals, earphones, airline ID card.
TSA are sharp people (some are even high school graduates).
Me, blond hair guy, T-shirt and jeans, conversing in Spanish with 2 others.
Open my bag... aviation equipment, airline ID and... my 3 passports.
Some with Arab visas, even Afghanistan. Something terribly suspect here...
My wallet is searched. Various IDs and credit cards, quite a bit of cash.
Pilot licences... oh, my God, I am going to crash on Disneyworld.
Or worse, crash a 747 on Elvis Presley's Graceland.
The TSA goons call their supervisor. The 3 of us are being held.
I was the prime suspect. Concerns that we will miss our flight.
They call immigration (which is in another building)...
Two armed airport security officers were called to assist.
We were subject to a complete body search. Complete.
Finally cleared, after being held about 45 minutes.
So, hide the "other passport(s)" when you travel with more than one.
Happy contrails

8th Feb 2008, 14:03
In the 1960's we could hold a full UK passport, but could also buy
an annual British Visitors passport from the Post Office!
Very handy for visiting anywhere "Dodgy".
Please bring them back

9th Feb 2008, 04:50
Since 9/11 it is tough to enter the US without having your passport scanned. On the other hand, true you might be doing a Central America turn and break...it would really blow to have to send the night at the airport because you could not enter the country.


Pontius Navigator
11th Feb 2008, 08:04
Been round the world and many countries, never even had to show my passport to get in or out of airside. :}

Max Angle
11th Feb 2008, 17:34
We have recently (since we took over BMED) started flying to a lot of new places and one thing I have noticed is that most of them (places like Azerbaijan, Armenia, Iran etc) are not the slightest bit interested in seeing your ID, they only want to see your passport and the gen. dec. My impression is that you would not be allowed entry without a valid passport even if you are operating crew with an ID. I have never shown, or been asked for, my ID in any of these countries. Total opposite of many other places who only want to see your ID.