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View Full Version : Charts protectors

4th Feb 2008, 16:54
Hi Folks!
I,m looking for charts protectors ( for Jeppesen) SID, STAR, APP plates with holes and transparent to put the plates in the joke.Where can I get the best charts protectors for Jepp ?? any link or website would be grateful.
Finally I also would like an adapter for headset to ATR 72 aircraft. My headset has two plugs and I,m looking for an adapter to convert the two plugs in one plug compatible with ATR socket.
Thanks for help me!

Mark 1
5th Feb 2008, 10:12
Will this do? (http://www.jeppesen.com/wlcs/application/commercewf?origin=itemsummary.jsp&event=link(details)&wlcs_catalog_item_sku=AM621165&wlcs_catalog_category_id=PS9E1&wlcs_document_type=details)
, or this? (http://www.flyingshop.com/testindlvl3.asp?Second=Headset%20Adaptors&First=Accessories)

5th Feb 2008, 14:59
Somebody could help me please?? I,m looking forward to see replies.

Mark 1
5th Feb 2008, 19:41
Sorry if it wasn't obvious, but my reply above was 2 links that may help you.
Just click on the underlined text to open the links.

10th Feb 2008, 18:25
Somebody tell me where can I buy Jeppesen charts protectors?

Professor Plum
10th Feb 2008, 19:27
Either I'm going mad, or you're blind, I'm about 110% certain that Mark 1 has answered your query!