View Full Version : Melbourne CTA - VFR Clearances

3rd Feb 2008, 15:44
Over the last 12 months I have been operating around Melbourne, a large part of it in CTA and have had almost no problem getting a CTA VFR clearance.. But over the last month it has become almost impossible to get a VFR clearance in CTA. I usually plan my sorties to avoid the peak times for ML traffic but it still hasn’t helped lately.

My usual routes include;

MNG – Broadford – EN @A045

MB – MEL-MNG @ A075

It seems that the problems arise when ML is on 27 Arrivals, but why cant we be threaded around the inbounds. We can give you 140 kts ground speed, 150 if really needed, carry all the good gear, GPS, ILS, etc Melbourne cant be that busy, never had a problem getting clearences through San Francisco, Los Angeles and Chicao Class B areas.

We have very specific objectives that have to be met, otherwise we have to come back again. We’re trying hard to get the students proficient with ATC communications leading into the IFR part of the course, that can only help the ATCO’s.

Additionally, I’m frequently doing MB – Sugarloaf – MNG direct. I try to stay OCTA but sometimes I really NEED higher (either turbulence or cloud) but pop up clearances are next to impossible. Putting a plan in hasn’t helped either.

Also, quite a few aircraft get pinged several times infringing CTA right on the boundary at Sugarloaf reservoir, myself included heading 340. That area is quite interesting, Rising terrain, lowish CTA floor and frequently quite powerful up or down draughts, sometimes both at the same time. With a 20 kt southerly, I have seen climb rates of 1000 ft/min at Idle power.

Any advice for planning from ATCO's would be appreciated.

3rd Feb 2008, 21:10
Beer and Popcorn at the ready.......I can see where this will head!


3rd Feb 2008, 23:00

I've flown similar routes out of and into YMMB and I understand the frustration. Whilst I haven't experienced the same difficulty that you've had recently, I know that they have problems with certain routes from the north.

From my experience they prefer you to track YMMB-YMML-YMNG rather than via SGSV... probably because a lot of arrivals from Melbourne come in over Coldstream and I'd suggest that it's better having you at 6000' over YMML than right in their flight path. I can remember getting a clearance DCT from YMNG to YMMB (at 4000' as well) but this when traffic was very quiet and perhaps there weren't any arrivals from the east.

As DNS has alluded to, the quandry would be better answered by a Controller, but I understand what you mean about the arbitrariness of the clearances.

training wheels
3rd Feb 2008, 23:14
Also, quite a few aircraft get pinged several times infringing CTA right on the boundary at Sugarloaf reservoir, myself included heading 340. That area is quite interesting, Rising terrain, lowish CTA floor and frequently quite powerful up or down draughts, sometimes both at the same time. With a 20 kt southerly, I have seen climb rates of 1000 ft/min at Idle power.

I concur with that and I think ATC is aware of the turbulence experienced on really windy days (due to mountain wave activity?) A mate was once issued with a block clearance from ML Radar when flying through there due to the turbulence, as he was going up and down like a yoyo. And that's the area where that GAM Aerocommander came down last year in turbulent conditions.

4th Feb 2008, 00:51
I have given up on trying to get any clearance coming into and out of MEN years ago. Even when you put a plan in you end up most of the time getting vectored way off the direction you are wanting to go on the way out of MEN and most of the time on the return trip you get the usual remain OCTA call Yan Yean, Doncaster Etc Etc.

If anyone is getting VFR clearance on all there flights I would llike to hear the secret.


Walrus 7
4th Feb 2008, 00:56

Don't forget there are now jumps out of Lilydale from 10000 that could be complicating the issue.


4th Feb 2008, 03:27
If you're flexible with your times, call the Melbourne Traffic Manager and ask when they CAN fit you through.

And always always always file a flight plan.

4th Feb 2008, 03:36
And give them lots of warning - if you're coming from the north, give them 30-40-50+ minutes notice - get onto the local area frequency with ETA at (say) Mangalore and ask them to tell the flow that you'll be requesting a VFR clearance.

Works fine for me....


PF sometimes I really NEED higher - then the phrase is "xyz requires 4500" and if they refuse then advise "xyz climbing 4500" and declare a PAN if needs be.

4th Feb 2008, 04:41
Never been into YMEN on a VFR plan, but I took the FTDK in and out last year on an IFR plan - was looked after very well. Vectored around the sky a bit but enventually lined up on the Rwy. Going out was a total non-event.

Tried the same trick into YPJT, but was stupid enough to say "FTDK visual" - with that they spat me out of the IFR system and made me play with the VFR riff-raff.

ATC: "Track via Lake Such'n Such".

FTDK: "What friggin lake? Don't you know I am on an IFR plan"?

Dr :8

4th Feb 2008, 05:30

They must have known that the VFR Riff Raff was in the right hand seat:p.....making cheeky comments "that you will get spat out of the system soon"........Geez that was opening my gob too soon!:{


Chief galah
4th Feb 2008, 08:39
At a GAAP airport, in VMC, even if you are on a IFR plan,


Check out the SIDs and STARs for ML on the AsA website. These have been designed to ensure separation assurance with the majority of the traffic, that being the airlines in and out of ML. For Rwy 27, the vertical block is generally occupied to at least 6000'. EN traffic adds to the workload and complexity.

The App/Dep guys do a great job and will fit you in if they can.

4th Feb 2008, 09:16
At a GAAP airport, in VMC, even if you are on a IFR plan,

Yes, that was my mistake. I should not have uttered the "V" word until I was ready to slum it!

Dr :8

Roger Standby
4th Feb 2008, 09:35
Underneath the radar is spot on. Let them know you're coming. I don't work the MNG airspace but do the other two sectors between 30 and 100nm ML. ie from the north anticlockwise round to the southeast.

Always have a plan in and call early, not at 5 nm from the cta step. Get your code, get identified, let arrivals do a bit of planning. The process often involves you calling enroute, enroute talking to ML radar and possibly flow, Radar checking with Departures/Arrivals. It all takes time. Most of the guys will do everything possible to get you through but some days it just doesn't work.

No Further Requirements
4th Feb 2008, 10:03
I think Roger means the TAC (Terminal Area Coordinator???) which is usually the flow anyway. That's the case with a VFR aircraft wanting to go over the top of YMML, that way we can let them know if it will be available.



4th Feb 2008, 10:05
I've never been knocked back on a clearance or vectored, possibly because I always plan (if it's practical) to directly overfly Tullamarine & Essendon, eg, Albert Park to Mangalore, or perhaps Tooradin direct to Kyneton depending on where I'm going. As soon as I'm clear of airspace I change my course to the required destination. By putting myself out only a few miles I find I can save vectoring and refusal.

Of course this won't always work out, however it does seem that over-flying the big ones directly does make sequencing easier. Sugerloaf I avoid like the plague.

4th Feb 2008, 10:46
Interesting, wrt advance calls for clearance, what phraseology would that take? Say I was MNG-KKO-EN, would I make a call around Kilmore gap?

I hate the idea of using " expect" it almost sounds like "I demand"

AIP says-EXPECT CLEARANCE REQUEST (aircraft type) VFR (if appropriate) FOR (destination) VIA (point outside controlled airspace at which clearance will be requested) ESTIMATE (estimate at destination) AT(altitude proposed for entry to controlled airspace)

Is there a "nicer" way of putting an early request than EXPECT CLEARANCE REQUEST ?

4th Feb 2008, 10:49
"request Clearance"?