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View Full Version : Eclipse aviation gets 100million$ investment

25th Jan 2008, 15:08
Some of you have maybe noticed, but Eclipse aviation got a real important investment from ETIRC ..

The problem is, that ETIRC with the Hollander Roel Pieper got most of his money by selling options from a Belgium company that went shortly afterward in bankrupcy (Lernaut and Hauspie)

Roel Pieper had to go to the Belgium court today explaining why he as a CEO of L&H sold all of his options shortly before the company wen't into bankrupcy, without informing the authorities witch is mandatory to do. In the USA you go to jail for this for a very longtime...

My grandmonther always said to me : "If you do business with a Hollander and he doesn't cheat you, it's because he have forgotten it..."

Let's hope it's not the case for Eclipse...the Eclipse 500 for the Euro and Russia market will be made in Russa, not in USA..



25th Jan 2008, 15:18
Well, this man sounds like he is perfectly qualified to run an aviation business. What are you complaining about?


Remember, you are not buying a used car from these people. That would be different :)

25th Jan 2008, 15:23
Haha, they said he did not informed the SEC http://www.sec.gov/ while the company was on the USA stock market pritty heavy stuff if you ask me...

25th Jan 2008, 16:19
That's OK, it just means he is perfectly qualified for both running any aviation business, and holding the highest public office.