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View Full Version : Firefighting aircraft?

23rd Jan 2008, 09:09
Just was asked by a neighbour in Moscow: which firefighter is considered better aircraft and why? I think he asked 'cause Beriev Be-200 is told by local media as one of the best choices for this purpose now but we don't see alot of them. So the question is: which aircraft is considered best for firefighting in, say, Europe and N.America and why?

Thanks in advance,


23rd Jan 2008, 18:52

There's no such thing as the "best" aircraft for a firefighting role. If there could be any such thing, it might be the first one to the scene of the fire. In a developed firefighting system, numerous kinds of aircraft get used, and they each have benifits and drawbacks. The Bierev was considered, in fact quite seriously, by a firm for whom I flew. It's biggest drawback was it's price tag.

I've flown various types of aircraft on fires, from spotter aircraft doing fire patrol to overhead communications and control ("air attack"), to single engine and multi engine air tankers. None of them were the perfect aircraft for the job, but each one of them was very useful over the fire. I've flown the oldest airplanes in use over fires in the world today, and some of the newest, too. Each has their benifit.

One of the most efficient platforms for quick response to a fire is the Air Tractor AT-802. It's relatively small (about the same size as a King Air 200), carries 800 gallons of retardant, and works best when staged in numbers throughout a fire region. It's best use is rapid response when a fire is small; it's an "initial attack" platform. Presently a number of other platforms are in use for extended attack ranging from the very effective Skycrane helicopter, to the P-3/Electra, and P2V-7 Neptune. Other platforms are also in use. I flew a turbine Dromader (PZL M-18T) for several years with different types of engines, it performed very well in the same role as the Air Tractor.

Overhead the fires we've used Barons, 0-2's, OV-10's, Twin Commanders, and a host of other airplanes very effectively. Presently we use primarily King Airs for that role. Smoke jump platforms for firefighters who parachute into the fires range from Dornier 228 to the Twin Otter to the DC3TP (turboprop). All perform well in their role.

Then again, radial powered older airplanes such as the DC-6 are still very viable platforms and in use.

The Canadians have fielded the CL-215 and CL-415 with success, it's greatest effectiveness being primarily in locations where there is water to scoop. This is much like the Bierev 200, but smaller, of course. On the big end of the spectrum is the Evergreen B747, which hasn't "seen action" yet, and the Omni DC-10, which has seen limited use, but still has a place in the firefighting arena.

I've yet to see an aerial platform that's "the best."

23rd Jan 2008, 19:08
Oh, that is one enlightening reply, thank you!

BTW, I asked same question on a Russian aviaforum, some guy replied that there is only one Be-200 flying to the moment since they have very long certification procedure. He also told this only airplane flies much and some more are in the process of manufacturing.

Thanks again, fly safe.