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22nd Jan 2008, 07:25

I have some questions about flight time logging in the logbook:

To calculate the night time of a certain position, does anyone have a freeware tool for Windows Mobile PocketPC?
Ideal would be a tool, where you enter a 3 or 4 letter code of an airport and get the civil dawn and dusk times for a specific date.
Or how do you log your night times in the logbook? At the moment I use the following Homepage to calculate these times: http://www.verysecurelinux.com/sunsetexp.html But I would like to calculate these times during a flight and the best solution I think would be a tool for Pocket PC.

I'm flying in a JAR country. Can I log take-offs and landings in a Multi Pilot Aeroplane (MPA) only, if I'm pilot flying oder also as pilot non flying? Where are these rules documented?

Thanks for your help in advance.


22nd Jan 2008, 21:32
Rule are here http://www.jaa.nl/publications/jars/607069.pdf takes a bit of reading but they are the facts for the JAR Licences.


22nd Jan 2008, 23:31
JAR–FCL 1.080 Recording of flight time.
As for your night problem I've never seen a piece of software that could tell exactly when one crossed into or out of the night so approximation / guesswork will have to do.
Landings appear not to be a JAR logging item.