View Full Version : A doctor writes: CRM should be the model for operating theatres

8th Jan 2008, 15:52
Interesting article (http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/editorial_opinion/oped/articles/2008/01/08/ending_medical_errors_with_airline_industrys_help/)arguing that CRM techniques are just the job in a whole other context.

By: Gerald B. Healy is otolaryngologist in chief at Children's Hospital in Boston, professor of otology and laryngology at Harvard Medical School, and president of the American College of Surgeons.

PPRuNe Towers
9th Jan 2008, 20:39
While in today's International Herald Trib another Doctor advancing the airline 'checklist' concept for hospital staff in and out of the theatre describes the efforts being cut off at the knees for supposed data protection reasons.

It's an op ed piece also and yes, the guy's advancing an agenda but I think aviation people will be aghast at something so intrinsic to our world being rejected when initial data is so startling.

