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View Full Version : Horizon Distance

8th Jan 2008, 08:32
I know that I should know this, however, to settle a 'discussion'
I sit here in my Spanish Apartment at about 300m ASL with a clear, unobstructed view of the Med.
Unlike today, when I can't actually see the sea, vis is only about 5Km at the moment, the night before last was spectacularly clear.
Pal from lower apartment emerged and declared that Africa was visible on the horizon, a statement that I viewed with some scepticism, and I announced that the 'land' visible was in fact clouds at the horizon. A heated debate ensued and we agreed to differ.
So to my question, just how far away is the visible horizon when viewed from 300m assuming unlimited visibility ?

Pilot Pete
8th Jan 2008, 09:53
A quick Google revealed this. http://www.boatsafe.com/tools/horizon.htm
and this http://newton.ex.ac.uk/research/qsystems/people/sque/physics/horizon/
Enjoy. Although if your apartment is in Barcelona I think you are the one who is correct!!!;)


8th Jan 2008, 09:56
There are several online calculators to give you this information. Just put "distance to horizon" or something similar into your search engine.

I input 300m and got a distance of just over 42 miles. I reckon that, in perfect visibility, you would be able to see Morocco from any point on the eastern Spanish coast up to just north of Estepona but not as far north as Marbella.

I hope that you win the argument.


8th Jan 2008, 10:01
Thanks both, yes it's won, Google Earth gives the nearest point on the African coast as 101.4 miles as near as I can judge. Location is Frigiliana, about 6k inland from Nerja.