View Full Version : PPL!!!

3rd Jan 2008, 19:24
Evening all

First time posting in this topic, i am hopefully going to start my PPL after february due to my birthday being in that month, and was just wodnering anyone else is or has started thier PPL and could give me any advice for what to study or Buy. I am Buying myself a Kneeboard and i already have the Flight computer, The studying books and other accesories!!



3rd Jan 2008, 19:42
As well as a flight computer and a kneeboard you will need:

1/2 million scale CAA aeronautical map
VFR flight guide
Checklist for the relevant aircraft
Ruler calibrated in nautical miles
Selection of OHP pens and china-graph pencils
Books covering the PPL exam subjects (I used The Private Pilot's Licence Course books 1-5 by Jeremy Pratt as published by AFE)

Your flying club would be the best source of advice for items required though and they might sell you a 'complete set' of everything you need to pass your PPL.

I mostly use the pilot's shop Transair for my flying equipment.

3rd Jan 2008, 19:44
Take it easy - don't buy more than you have to before you understand your instructor's preference. I'm up to the nav section of ppl training and to a large extent, your job as a student is to listen carefully and do what you are told. There are many ways to instruct and to fly so you have to be guided by your instructor.
If you want to get a head start, download CAP 413 from CAA (Radiotelephony) and read the text on the subject. Understanding what is being said (and why!) will reduce your workload and speed your progress in the air.
Good luck. Fun time ahead eh?

3rd Jan 2008, 19:58
thanks for your reply

3rd Jan 2008, 19:59
When I started my PPL course, I had nothing. Then, after a few hours, I sat down with my instructor and a number of well know aviation suppliers' catalogues and went shopping with him. Best behaved male companion I've ever had on a shopping trip!!!! :}

Take advice from your instructor but there's no need to rush into shopping - you'll find the best things that'll suit you!



3rd Jan 2008, 20:06
I would also say don't rush into buying stuff until you see what you need as you go along.

I bought a kneeboard while doing my PPL-A in Florida, and discovered that, because I have to sit on cushions (by dint of being slightly challenged in the height department) it fouled the yoke and so I can't strap it onto my leg!

I've now got a clear, A5 sized map case from a local climbing shop into which I put a bit of white card and onto which I sewed a velcro strap. It only cost me £5 against the £30'odd for the kneeboard, and it wipes clean after each use.

The kneeboard has to sit to one side, strapped in, and is pulled out when I need to look at my plog.

Talking to other folk at the Flying Club and seeing what they use and recommend is another way of finding out what may suit you.

3rd Jan 2008, 20:20
thanks for your replys

I have been told by a friend that these two kneeboards are the ebst, and he has completed his PPL



which one would be the better one, i'm prefering one with a leg strap


3rd Jan 2008, 20:27
I would invest in a copy of the 'PPL Confusor'! I can't remember who the authors are but once I passed I gave my copy away to the students on another course.
Good Luck

3rd Jan 2008, 21:18
I have been told by a friend that these two kneeboards are the ebst, and he has completed his PPL

http://www.transair.co.uk/product4.a...Product_ID=954 (http://www.transair.co.uk/product4.asp?SID=2&Product_ID=954)

As it happens I was given that one for Christmas. I haven't had a chance to try it out yet but hopefully on Saturday if the weather is OK I will. I'll let you know if it's any good...

I can also highly recommend The PPL Confuser.

3rd Jan 2008, 21:23
You can also save quite a bit by buying the PPL books 'elsewhere' - most of my Jeremy Pratt books came from Tesco online . . . yes really!

Good luck with your PPL, I'm sure you will thoroughly enjoy it :ok:

3rd Jan 2008, 21:40
All you'll need when you 1st start is the PPL 1 Flying Training book, a logbook and a checklist.

Good Luck! :ok:

3rd Jan 2008, 21:48
Jeremy Pratts AFE series of books are excellent

Plus do no forget to advise your life insurer you are about to fly in light aircraft, there may not be any increased premium but you will most likely need to advise them

3rd Jan 2008, 22:19
Apparently there are over 130 diseases that can be transferred by using shared headsets. It might be worth investing in one from the start.

My first headset was the cheapest I could find at the local pilot shop in Kissimmee (USA). It served me well and is now my backup/passenger headset. I recently bought a SkyLite SL-900 over the internet. There's a guy on eBay who sells these quite cheaply: I paid something like 120 euros including a headset bag, shipping, handling, taxes and everything. Very happy with that one.


I'm currently contemplating fitting one of these aftermarket ANR kits to one one of them. They got quite good reviews in the latest Pilot magazine, but the SL-900 is not on the list of supported headsets, and they don't respond to enquiries about them.

Edited to say that it wasn't Pilot, but Flyer Magazine, Jan 2008, which did the review.

3rd Jan 2008, 22:22
Apparently there are over 130 diseases that can be transferred by using shared headsets.

BP be careful in parts of Amsterdam too!

DX Wombat
3rd Jan 2008, 22:26
Selection of OHP pens and china-graph pencils
I would check with your FI before buying any of these. I have never used them. I was taught to use very fine permanent marker pens which can be cleaned off with non-acetone nailvarnish remover.

3rd Jan 2008, 22:34
DX, I'd have had you down for a surgical spirit sort of gal!!! :} Me? I alus carry a bottle of the stuff!

You can also use whiteboard markers to remove the "permanent" pen lines left on your chart!



3rd Jan 2008, 22:41
DX, I'd have had you down for a surgical spirit sort of gal!!! :} Me? I alus carry a bottle of the stuff!

Have you checked the Carriage of Dangerous Goods Act?


3rd Jan 2008, 22:44
I don't take it Airside!!! :} :rolleyes:

It remains in the crew room so that when I get back I can take a decent slug!!!!



3rd Jan 2008, 22:47
I don't take it Airside!!!

But dont you find its so bloody cramped in those little cockpits?

3rd Jan 2008, 22:52
Would you care to re-phrase that LlanfairPG ?

I have the world's smallest kneeboard which I bastardized from a proprietory one - everything else is in my head!!!!! :}



3rd Jan 2008, 23:14
Would you care to re-phrase that LlanfairPG ?I love it when you talk BOLD to me.

4th Jan 2008, 00:08
Shame you're not up to underlining me eh? :}:p



4th Jan 2008, 07:41
BP be careful in parts of Amsterdam too!

Well, the advice is the same. Never share whatever implement/protection you use to achieve whatever mental/physical state you desire, with anybody else.

If you employ the services of certain ladies, they will provide the necessary protection as part of the deal. And if you visit smart shops, coffee shops and such, all the necessary stuff to enjoy things safely can be bought there too.

As far as illegal stuff (yes there is some that's illegal, even in Amsterdam): The Dutch government even has programs in place where registered drugs addicts can exchange their needles for free. So much for Darwin...

(I'm not going to be more specific or explicit, otherwise the mods might throw me out. But for me, I just make sure my beerglass is clean.)

4th Jan 2008, 10:59
**Snap**.............and you are back in the room....:rolleyes:

4th Jan 2008, 11:26
That would not be a dark room, would it BRL?

(Every word in Amsterdam can have a double meaning. Just checking...;))

4th Jan 2008, 12:31
I'm suprised that no-one else has added the oft'quoted phrase of verbatim that you shouldn't spend more money than you have to before getting a class II medical certificate (assuming JAA PPL). a) because you don't want it to hold up going solo and b) becuase you don't want to be spending circa. £2000 on training and equipment without knowing if you can hold a license.
Good luck and enjoy your PPL! :)

4th Jan 2008, 13:49
Having only just completed my PPL and I agree that there is some good advice on here, especially about Amsterdam!

On a similar note to getting your medical early, i would also say that it is worth having a flight or two before spending too much more as it doesn't turn out to be everyone's cup of tea. I am sure that you will be fine and will love it, but I must say that after my first flight and just about 'stomaching' it, I did wonder whether I would be able to hack it!!

Regarding knee boards, I tried both knee and lap and found it much easier to use a lap board. But like everything, its personal preference and you will soon find what suits you best in the cramped cockpit! Finally, you can always use AVGAS to clean your laminate / map etc and it removes the fear of having to walk into a shop and ask for nail polish remover!!

Good luck for Feb!!

4th Jan 2008, 14:18
Here's a tip: if you don't like splashinng AVGAS around, and your instructor won't lend you his nail polish remover :} you can clean the permanent marker off your map by scribbling over it with a whiteboard marker (found in all good briefing rooms), then wiping both off.

The solvent in the whiteboard marker works a treat. :ok:

4th Jan 2008, 17:27
Don't buy ANYTHING yet!

You may hate flying, or as has been mentioned, not be able to pass a medical.

You won't need a chart before you do navigation, and it may have gone out of date by then. And people have personal preferences as to the type of pens they like, as you'll have gathered. though, personally, I'd buy Tesco nail varnish remover pads - you can put them in the basket without having to talk to anyone in the store, they only cost 99p, and they fit neatly in a pocket. :ok:

Some people like A4 kneeboards, others the smallest they can find, others none at all. Find out what you like...or you'll end up with three of them!

You will need the books for the exams and the confuser, but what's the rush? Unless you're planning to do the whole course in weeks rather than months. Air Law books get republished approximately annually, so will go out of date.

Unless you're the type to really worry about infection, don't get a headset yet - I've never caught anything in years of using communal ones.

You DO need a log book. Other than that, take along a clear head and lots of enthusiasm.

Have fun. :ok:

DX Wombat
4th Jan 2008, 20:33
DX, I'd have had you down for a surgical spirit sort of gal!!! :) Who me Whirls? :E I find it has a rather unpleasant bouquet and the coughing fits it produces mean it isn't really suitable as an inflight beverage. I prefer fresh orange juice. :) The Cash And Aggro bods tends to frown upon its use too. :(Have you checked the Carriage of Dangerous Goods ActLL, no, I daren't. Someone is bound to decide that I qualify as something from the HAZMAT schedule :( and I want to be able to continue flying. :ok: Those Elf and Safety persons are everywhere. :{

4th Jan 2008, 21:26
something from the HAZMAT schedule

I have to tell you that I do a DG course every 12 months, after one lf the last ones at lunch time I said to my colleagues, "Did any of you understand any of that? One chap summed it all up for most of us by answering " not a word"'.

I just sign the sheet and agree with the load controller on the basis if anything looks dangerous dont carry it and that includes passengers and crew too!

6th Jan 2008, 20:37
You should buy a guide on the aircraft you are training in, these can be very usefull, I have one on the cessna 150,
they can be bought on transair- www.transair.com (http://www.transair.com)
kind regards whitus1:ok:

6th Jan 2008, 20:42
Have a couple of trial flights to be certain it's what you want to do. Get you medical done in first 10 hrs.

7th Jan 2008, 17:04
Transair are good and who I normally use, but look on ebay first for most things as there are some real bargains to be had. For examle, In my case: Brand new headset, (for pax use not for me not DC) incl case £40 (Cost £120 in T/Air, AFE etc), Sportys E6B calculator £25 all in (Equiv calc cost >£60).
Sometimes you get a job lot of books, knee board, headset, ruler etc. being sold by someone whose giving up flying or hasn't started in the first place, these can be really good value for money. If you don't want all the job lot, keep what you want, sell the rest on.

Also check Amazon for books, my Trev Thom book 5 (Instrument/radio nav) was only £17 post free as opposed to about £23-25 elsewhere. You can get books off of ebay but be careful they are not too old and therefore a bit out of date.

Overall, as someone else said, don't go too mad buying stuff just yet.