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20th Dec 2007, 19:17

I'm a working journalist in the states with, perhaps, an odd question:

What kind of record is kept of declared medical emergencies or medical diversions?

The question concerns one of the presidential candidates. He's now hospitalized for "flu-like symptoms," but the manor of his trip to the hospital seems very suspicious.

He was enroute from Saint Louis to New York--a 90+ minute flight. But instead of continuing on, with a patient showing "flu-like symptoms," to a city with some of the best hospitals on earth, they turn around and head back to Saint Louis.

It suggests (only suggests) a medical emergency worse than just the collywobbles. I'm wondering, does a change in flight plan like that leave a paper trail?

20th Dec 2007, 19:31
It is possible that the plane didn't even declare an emergency. All they would have to say is: ATC, Falcon 123 request clearance to STL. Change in destination.

A question might arise about why, but the answer might not be given.

As to pressing on to New York, the exact location of the turn around decision must be known .

Perhaps other resources like campaign people were better situated in STL.

Unless the pilots used the words: declaring an emergency...it is likely there is no paper trail.

Returning to STL, if that was the place the illness was contracted might be a good medical idea as the doctors might be more familiar with a local strain of illness.

Of course you might be right...in which case landing at the first airport might be best...find out where they turned around...if they were on top of another major city like IND or SDF...well who knows?

20th Dec 2007, 19:40
We're about to hear from the candidate's wife. It's Giuliani, BTW. The rumor, and only a rumor, repeat only, really, truly only a rumor, was that he'd had a stroke.

A game of telephone, abetted by the campaign's closed-mouthedness, ensued. As they say, we'll know more shortly. It's probably benign, but when public figures' handlers blow smoke or show signs of confusion, it can make benign situations appear more sinister.

Thanks for the quick reply.

20th Dec 2007, 19:47
Here's a plot of the air turnback:


Often, you can find air traffic control transmission archives at the site below but, unfortunately, the St. Louis Approach internet audio feed was down last night:


20th Dec 2007, 20:02

option 1, continue for >=80 mins to NY with possible hold at the other end, flying at 8,000 ft presure then having to get to a hotel / hospital or whatever.

option 2, return and be on the ground in 8 - 10 minutes and get home or to a hospital.

I think I know which I would do

20th Dec 2007, 20:11
please wiki woodrow wilson.

and please post outcome of press release concerning his health.

illness on the road is not uncommon and it is always better to be on the ground at a real hospital rather than in an uncomfortable airplane...ok maybe AF1 might be ok with its onboard emergency room.

20th Dec 2007, 20:17
The New York Times
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December 20, 2007
Giuliani Released From Hospital After Treatment

ST. LOUIS — Rudolph W. Giuliani was released from a hospital here Thursday afternoon after coming down with what his Republican presidential campaign described as “flu-like symptoms” that led him to turn around his airplane in mid-air Wednesday night.

“Mayor Giuliani is being released from Barnes Jewish Hospital with a clean bill of health,” said Katie Levinson, his communications director.

“Doctors performed a series of precautionary tests and the results of all the tests were normal,” she said in a statement. “The mayor is heading back to New York this afternoon and he continues to be in high spirits.”

Mr. Giuliani, the former New York City mayor, emerged from the hospital shortly before 3 p.m. Central time, dressed in a business suit. He waved to waiting reporters and television camera and quickly got into a car that took him away.

There are still few details about what was ailing Mr. Giuliani, what his precise symptoms were or what the prognosis is.

Mr. Giuliani was admitted to Barnes Jewish Hospital here on Wednesday night after he fell ill after spending the day campaigning across Missouri, campaign officials said. His illness became more severe after he took off for home after a fund-raiser and a news conference in Chesterfield, Mo.

“The symptoms worsened as the day wore on, and shortly after taking off from Chesterfield, Missouri, for New York the mayor became uncomfortable enough that our plane returned to the airport in Chesterfield,” Ms. Levinson said in a statement earlier Thursday. “To be on the safe side, the mayor consulted with his personal physician in New York and made the decision to go to the Barnes Jewish Hospital in St. Louis for routine tests.”

In 2000, Mr. Giuliani dropped out of the New York Senate race against Hillary Rodham Clinton when he faced a prostate cancer diagnosis, and Mrs. Clinton went on to victory. But he has said since then that he is in good health.

Mr. Giuliani has appeared tired since Monday, when he held an unusually subdued town-hall-style meeting in Durham, N.H. But he seemed upbeat when he last faced reporters on Wednesday night outside the fund-raiser in Chesterfield.

His illness comes as his campaign has hit a rough patch. His lead in national polls has been shrinking lately, with several recent polls showing him essentially tied for first place among the Republican candidates after months in which he led more comfortably.

The Giuliani campaign is betting on an unorthodox strategy in which they are not counting on winning the first states that vote, Iowa and New Hampshire, but are instead focusing on winning the Florida primary on Jan. 29 and then trying to win a number of the big states that hold their primaries on Feb. 5.

Mr. Giuliani never had much support in Iowa, which holds its caucuses on Jan. 3. And after he failed to lift his standing in New Hampshire polls with a heavy advertising campaign there, he scaled back his efforts in order to marshal resources for later states. He spent Wednesday campaigning in Missouri, where voters go to the polls some 48 days from now.

The campaign did not immediately alert reporters who were traveling with Mr. Giuliani, but instead they said they sent a bulletin about his admission to hospital to The Associated Press at 1 a.m.

Mr. Giuliani’s hospitalization capped a day when he had unexpectedly had to drive across Missouri after his private jet broke down. “We were going to take an airplane, and when we got on the plane they said, ‘Oh, one engine just went out,’ ” Mr. Giuliani told supporters in Columbia, Mo., Wednesday afternoon after arriving a couple of hours late to his event. “We thought it was better not to take the airplane.”

Graham Bowley and Maria Newman contributed reporting from New York.

20th Dec 2007, 20:20
Exactly. That's what triggered our suspicions. But I certainly see all the other posters' points. Vomiting, dehydration, bacterial infection all do worse at altitude, too. So a seemingly benign illness in a 60-something year old with a rich medical history might also prudently warrant a quick turnaround.

We'll know more when we know more. Thanks, again.

20th Dec 2007, 20:32
Flying is never a cure for any illness. If you are a little sick on the ground, you will be alot sicker in the air.

I'm glad rudy is ok, though I probably won't vote for him. And if you are a journalist, encourage all people to NOT fly if feeling sick (air ambulance aside of course).

20th Dec 2007, 20:36
Journalist, student pilot and (hold the rotten tomatoes) Flightsim jockey.

20th Dec 2007, 20:43
Is Rudy afraid of what might happen to him in a hospital in his former fiefdom? :E:ooh::eek::uhoh: