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View Full Version : Implications for lending a personal EPIRB?

5th Dec 2007, 11:40
I have a personal 406Mhz COSPAS-SARSAT EPIRB which I use on ferry flights, and which is registered to me personally. A friend is flying a light aircraft across the Sahara next week and has asked if he can borrow it. I am happy to lend it from a personal viewpoint, but are there any implications for me if he ends up having to use it? Can I in any way be held responsible for the SAR costs?

Mark 1
5th Dec 2007, 12:09
I can't imagine how there would be any legal issues with the bona-fide use of an EPIRB.
When you registered the unit, you would have given an emergency contact number, so that person ought to be aware of who is using the unit.
With the change to the UK ANO this year, it has become common practice here to share EPIRBs for overwater trips.
You could always inform the EPIRB registry of any temporary arrangement.

5th Dec 2007, 15:29
What Mark1 says, only that I would de-emphasise the bit about contacting the registry and emphasise the bit about whoever answers the contact number to be aware of who is using the locator where--it would be handy if this person also has enough contact information available so that further enquiries may be made should it be necessary.

Does your friend need a co-pilot/navigator, btw? :O