View Full Version : Retired!!!

2nd Dec 2007, 14:53
Not sure if this is an appropriate place for making announcements, but as there are a few guys/gals on here that I used to work with here goes.

Last Friday was my last day at work:D

Did the maths the other and realised that 36+ years of my life had been spent in ATC, scarey. Started off at LATCC as an ATCA, got onto 28 course, got the licence and went to EGAA and then EGLL. Moved to Canada in '81 and worked YYZ ACC then switched to the Data Systems side of the house.

Finally moved to Ottawa on project work, and 3 years switched to the "dark side" (management!). So I have seen most aspects of the profession - and enjoyed them all.

Not sure what is going to happen next, I can't see myself hanging around the house for too long (can't see Lyn putting up with it either). However 9-5 and 45 hour weeks are gone, a nice little home business or consulting seem appealing!


2nd Dec 2007, 15:15

Congratulations on surviving 36 years in this business. Enjoy the peace and quiet ..... at least for a while.

2nd Dec 2007, 16:01
Many congrats Barry.. and don't do what many of my ex-colleagues have done and go back to work; they're nuts! Enjoy every new day - you never know what problems life is going to chuck at you, as Ruth and I are sadly finding out. I retired at 58 and I'm very glad I did, even if I still miss talking to the jets!

You and Lyn get out and do things together. Life is too short not to.

Really enjoyed the good times at EGLL with you both..... It's all changed now.

Take care and may you enjoy many, many years of good health and happiness in retirement.

Vy 73 de Bren and Ruth

2nd Dec 2007, 16:30
Whats this 58 c**p, I gave up at 54!!!


2nd Dec 2007, 16:44

Hey Barry, so another 28 course member retires !!

Good on you. There can't be many of us left. I retired @ 51, 5 years ago due medical but have never looked back and have never been fitter since. I don't miss talking to the kites and all the agro but I do miss all the guys and gals I worked with. They were a great bunch. I still see some of them which is good.

My son now works at Swanwick so I get a constant update of what is going on. I'm glad to be out of it.

You and Lyn enjoy yourselves. Relax and take it easy.

Good Luck to you both,

Clint & Allison.

2nd Dec 2007, 17:26
<<Whats this 58 c**p, I gave up at 54!!!>>

You'll be in long trousers soon mate!

2nd Dec 2007, 19:35
36 years! In a few weeks, on 5th January, I shall have been in ATC for 41 years. I started as an ATCA at Preston and subsequently went through the cadetship getting my first validation in April 1972. I suspect I must be one of the longest serving controllers still at it although I do know of an old buddy in the eastern provinces who beats me by a few months. I plan to hang up the headset, medical permitting, next August. I will miss shouting at aeroplanes but I sure as h*** won't miss management.

2nd Dec 2007, 23:31
Just coasting into year 42 here, ex-Number 1 Student Cadet course.
My boss is still at it at 75.

Enjoy your retirement Barry.
You don't look only 54.
I wondered where you had got to......
Sorry to hear about your management affliction. Speedy recovery.

And you Clint. You'll get over it. You always did.....

Hyperborean, were you on No. 43 ATCA course in Shrubsall Hall?

vintage ATCO
3rd Dec 2007, 07:21
Well done! Good, ennit. :ok:

3rd Dec 2007, 08:01
Yep. Me and about 75 others being lectured from the set of Babes in the Wood. Kinda prophetic really.

3rd Dec 2007, 11:31
I was a different sort of controller, and was advised by a good friend that "Retirement is a job for the younger man". He wasn't wrong!

I retired at 53, 11 years ago, and haven't regretted it for a moment.
Good luck, all you happy retirees! Long life and happiness to you!

3rd Dec 2007, 19:25
Hype, I was on that course with you! But I thought that there were about 105 kids on it......:)

3rd Dec 2007, 21:16
Two thoughts Talkdownman. There were so many of us it probably felt like hundreds. At our age maybe the memory becomes selective. Take your pick!
I still keep in touch with a couple of old boys from that course and every so often a name crops up in conversation. Happy days.