View Full Version : Please support Lee on Solent

Mike Cross
2nd Dec 2007, 09:09
Royal Naval Air Station HMS Daedalus was paid off in 1996 and since then the Airfield has been operated by Hampshire Constabulary with restrictive access. Land ownership was transferred in 2006 to the Marine and Coastguard Agency (MCA) and the South East England Development Agency (SEEDA). The declared plans were that the runways would be available to GA.

On 18 October resident owners and businesses were informed that the airfield was to be closed to everyone except MCA, Hampshire Police, and the Naval Gliding Club. Lee Flying Association has been formed as a non-profit making company limited by guaranteee to fight closure and to open up the airfield for public use, as set out in the local plan.

AOPA UK are assisting LFA and we ask you to also take positive action to help ensure this Airfield is opened up for public use.

Please click the logo to go to the LFA website and find out what you can do to help.

http://www.tug.eu.com/eghf/eghfweb/images/Logos/LFALinkLogoSmall.gif (http://www.eghf.co.uk/)

4th Dec 2007, 10:18
I understand things are moving along with some new developments expected to be announced shortly but LFA does still need as much support as it can get.

If you have not joined yet, please consider doing so (or just make a donation).

What happens at Lee may well set precedents elsewhere so please don't moan when 'your' airfield is under threat if you have not helped here...