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30th Nov 2007, 19:33
Dear Fellow Pruners,
I recently heard about a Company from a friend which to me seems unbelievable, I would be interested to hear your thoughts too Thankyou in advance.
Apparently this op (which will remain anonymous for now) which is part of a larger op in another country. It has never set up systems for crew renewal etc. example I hear most crew's line checks from previous company expired by several months and safety equipment procedures annual check all expiring and yet nothing being as yet sorted to retest them. My friend is considering refusing to fly for this mess until they sort it out. There are other issues But for now what would you do?
Thanks for reading, the Square Bear legal eagle:ok:,

30th Nov 2007, 19:40
'You heard from a friend'. Not good enough. Get your friend to accuse, name the country involved if not the airline. What do you expect for an answer being so vague?

30th Nov 2007, 19:46
I'd be looking for another job but in the meantime, I agree, we need more information.

Culture is important. Not only company culture but the local culture.

Can we at least narrow it down to a geographic region?


1st Dec 2007, 09:10
Sure can, Its in SE Asia and for your Information Rainboe I dont see the point in naming or accusing anyone at this time. Its run by non Nationals anyhow.

1st Dec 2007, 11:23
In general, naming names (unless definitely in the public domain) will see the post edited to delete the reference. PPRuNe is not really interested in having legal battles in the background for no purpose ....

1st Dec 2007, 19:13
Dear Fellow Pruners,
I recently heard about a Company from a friend which to me seems unbelievable, I would be interested to hear your thoughts too Thankyou in advance.
Apparently this op (which will remain anonymous for now) which is part of a larger op in another country. It has never set up systems for crew renewal etc. example I hear most crew's line checks from previous company expired by several months and safety equipment procedures annual check all expiring and yet nothing being as yet sorted to retest them. My friend is considering refusing to fly for this mess until they sort it out. There are other issues But for now what would you do?
Thanks for reading, the Square Bear legal eagle

Normally, I'm all in favor of following the chain of command and respecting the hierarchy. In most cases I would suggest contacting a manager and working my way up until I got satisfaction.

But apparently, not only is management a source of this problem, but what's also apparent is the lack of oversight from any local government authority.

Does all that sound more or less correct so far?

Since the operation in question is part of a larger "mainline" type operation (presumably without the same problems) in another country I *might* suggest working through the "mainline" chain of command. I can't believe they'd willingly put their passengers at risk on a code share agreement with a substandard "partner".

If that fails, then presenting the entire code share arrangement (if that's what it truly is) to the aviation authority that oversees the "mainline" operation might be in order.

Like I said, I normally advise people *against* going straight to the authority charged with oversight. I *usually* recommend that people work their way through the chain of command.

But again, culture is important and without exactly knowing the players here, it sort of sounds like a whole culture of lying and cheating. Time to think outside the box.

Good luck.

5th Dec 2007, 20:02
Superb reply Zero Zero. I have alot of experience in this part of the world and cant really say much more than that. Personally I would move on asap if necessary as alot of Guys n Gals out here seem to do. from experience you cant win with these sort of Ops anyway.

6th Dec 2007, 14:13

Please do not find this situation unbelievable, it is just scratching the surface. I too have worked extensively in the area, and the things I have uncovered I could write a book on. I am only guessing here but is the company a 'low cost' operator? There are many entrepreneurs in SE Asia who find it vogue to own a low cost airline, thinking they will become the next 'Stellios'. They run the airlines like they would run say a hotel. They don't understand or care about crew duty time, currency, mandatory safety checks etc. These airlines run at a 1-1.5% profit margin, that does not leave a lot of room for what non-aviation orientated management see as 'unnecessarys' .

I have discovered 747's with 100 emergency oxygen masks short for the pax, and those that were on the aircraft were not connected as they had the wrong connections fitted at the end!!! When i told the owner that in the event of a rapid decompression at 37000 feet it is likely there would be over 300 stiffs down the back, he just shrugged his shoulders

All i would say is that you and your friend have some soul searching to do. You are now part of the 'chain of events'. If you do nothing and in 3 months time an aircraft piles in with 200 people on board, and it was preventable, neither of you will sleep well for the rest of your lives. If you launch in to do something in the wrong manner, without discretion etc, it is likely your friend will never get a job in SE Asia again. If you need the tack i choose with the airline above please PM me.

Good Luck!