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17th Nov 2007, 13:53
Following massive expansion of low cost airlines in Eastern Europe and quite big shortage of pilots, wouldn’t it be a good idea to open Eastern European forum in “Rest of the world” section?
I know at least 50 pilots from the east who read pprune…. I’m sure there are loads more.

Please consider it.
LC :ok:

17th Nov 2007, 13:58
also will help of those who want to work there

17th Nov 2007, 18:57
Well that wouldn't be a bad idea at all to share experiences from east and central europe :ok:

Let's hope it works out!

neil armstrong
17th Nov 2007, 19:48
i agree but i also want some nice eastern European girls to visit the forum!


17th Nov 2007, 20:29
I couldn't agree more!

17th Nov 2007, 21:10
have a look at Ryanair's calendar. 90% of Girls there are either from PL or CZ

tarjet fixated
18th Nov 2007, 00:38
Eastern Europe doesn't share one same language nor culture, it is actually a mix of very different ones: Czech,Polish,Romanian,Bulgarian,Hungarian etc etc...
Other specific forums are based on the fact that pilots there can share one language and one culture; an eastern EU forum would not meet such requirements same way as a western EU forum wouldn't make much sense too.
I believe that our eastern european colleagues can very simply continue to share views,opinions and info on the forums already available here.

18th Nov 2007, 14:14
So just select biggest job market like Poland and have sub links to CZ, SK , LT and EE.

Why is there French forum ? Ok there is only one language but not in Scandinavia. :suspect:
Norewgian, Swedish and Finish pilots on Scandy forum don't mine different language.

tarjet fixated
18th Nov 2007, 22:28
So just select biggest job market like Poland and have sub links to CZ, SK , LT and EE.

They have been isolated from the rest of the world for decades, i think they have lots to gain from participating in a broader forum than to just isolate themselves again.
Why there's a french forum?Because there are 61 million french speaking people in France and another 100 million around the world; PL,CZ and SK together hardly count 60mln.
By the way a swede,a dane and a norwegian understand eachother perfectly.
Different story for the fins....:E

Soft Altitude
19th Nov 2007, 14:14
Well, tarjet, several Eastern European languages are also very similar, and folks from certain countries can very well understand folks from other Eastern European countries, and why could it not be a forum in english, so the english speaking members can participate in discussions as well. The Middle East forum is a good example as well:different arab dialects, still the forum is very much in english.
Finally, since when is Eastern Europe reduced to PL, CZ, Lt and EE ????:eek:
Eastern Europe is a huge area and plenty of fellow pilots there as well !
I vote for an Eastern European forum.

19th Nov 2007, 16:04

It's not reduced only to PL, SK, CZ etc. just simplified as there is sooo many of the "new countries".

I agree about languages but I have never suggested that it should be only in Polish or only i Czech etc.

Only reason for my suggestion is to make search of eastern specific airlines a lot easier, last week I was trying to find info about LOT and no luck as it's less than 4 letters and search engine will not accept it (yes I have tried POLISH AIRLINES)....

I really think it's a good idea and not I did not reduce the amount of countries it was just easier not to write them all also I have never suggested it should be in any foreign language it should be for us all to benefit.
