View Full Version : US Aircraft Rental

15th Nov 2007, 18:58

I need to be in New York for a wedding next September and as i am hour building it seems a shame to pay out for flights to the states and not get some cheap hours in. What i would really like to do is hire a plane and fly it across to LA.

My question is are there any companies that would let me pick up an aircraft in one location and drop it off in another?

Alternatively can anyone recommend another 'circular' route that would let me return to NY and get me some decent hours with some good sightseeing.

15th Nov 2007, 20:18
I'd be surprised if many flight schools would let you leave one of their planes somewhere else and if they did, they would probably charge you for repositioning it back to where you got it from.

Pretty much wherever you fly in the US is a fantastic experience though and SO cheap compared to here. You'll take an instrument approach into a biggish airport and instead of being charged a heap of cash, you'll probably get offered some complimentary coffee :D

Make sure that you get your FAA 'issued on the basis of your UK one' sorted out in plenty of time. There are several million threads on here which explain in detail how to go about this :ok:

16th Nov 2007, 07:24
Hi Julian,

Thanks for the reply. I thought there may have been a company that owned various schools around the USA that might let you pick up and drop off at differnet locations of the same school. A bit like rental cars if you see what i mean.

I also thought about going to Florida. Renting a plane and fly up to NY and back.



Henry Hallam
16th Nov 2007, 08:00
I rented a C172 in Manassas, VA (just outside Washington DC) last December and flew up to Boston and back. Made a nice trip over three days and 10 hours flying time round trip. Going over NYC at night is just magical.

Florida will still be very hot in September but could be fun as well.

BTW if you do discover any firm that will let you rent in one location, fly some long cross-country and drop off at another location then please let me/us know as I'd be very interested in doing something similar. I'm not likely to be around in September otherwise I'd offer to fly the other half of the leg (but perhaps you can find someone who will be)