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View Full Version : MALSR MALSF animation

15th Nov 2007, 13:53

I don't suppose anyone could help me out. I need an animation showing a runway approach lighting system such as RAIL or MALSF that shows the lights flashing in sequence. Does anyone know were I can find one?



15th Nov 2007, 16:45
Your best bet is to find an airport which uses said runway approaching lighting. Fire up MS Flight Simulator 2002, 2004 or X and do a few landings. It's not just a game as some ignorant people on here allude. The data MS uses for runway dimensions, surface, and even runway lighting is derived from the Digital Aeronautical Flight Information File (well it was until not long ago). DAFIF is the US mil's cataloge of all airport, nav aid and waypoint info. And from experience MSFS's airports do not all have the same approach lighting system. Worth a go, definitely.