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View Full Version : Accident report of Condor B737 crash Izmir 1988

12th Nov 2007, 19:15

Does anybody have the accident report of the Condor B737 crash (January 1988) in Izmir?

24th Nov 2007, 19:01
If you manage to find a link please post.

5th Dec 2007, 09:15
Another 'write up' apparently based on an ICAO Summary of the accident report.

The aircraft was destroyed when it flew into the side of a hill while carrying out an ILS approach to Runway 35 at Adnan Menderes Airport., Izmir. The point of impact was some 10.5nm to the West of the airfield at the 2,750ft. level. The accident happened at night and in poor weather with heavy rain. On arrival at Izmir, the aircraft had been cleared direct to the CU NDB located on the extended centreline of the runway some 5nm from the runway threshold. The flight subsequently reported passing CU outbound; however, after passing the NDB, both pilots 'switched to the ILS' and therefore were unable to confirm their position during the procedual turn. The aircraft was outside the +35deg sector of the ILS centreline and the crew apparently followed the wrong side beam. Although concerned about the unexpected ILS indication, they continued with the approach.

According to an ICAO Summary, causal factors included the presumed NDB passage, the wrong use of the VOR and ILS, overconfidence of the pilot and considerable inactivity of the co-pilot.