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View Full Version : FOS (RTOW Charts) vs QRH speeds

6th Nov 2007, 10:02
When do you use FOS (RTOW Charts) speeds instead of QRH speeds and pse explain? Your help wil be greatly appreciated.

6th Nov 2007, 17:42
According to our company policy it's not allowed to take off from any runway without analysis page so we are always using RTOW chart speeds.
QRH speeds always calculated too for a crosscheck.
Anyway the difference on 767 the QRH speeds and RTOW speeds is only 1-2 kts.

6th Nov 2007, 21:17
Same with the L1011, runway analysis charts used when available.
Now then, when one isn't available, and the QRH speeds are used, you must be darn careful that there are not obstructions present, for if there are, an inappropriate flap setting (and the speeds that go with it) may well not keep you out of trouble, in the unlikely event that an engine should fail on rotation.

Of course, if you are lucky enough to have three-shaft Rollers, engine failures are the last thing on your mind.
RollsRoyce, the best in the business, says me with 34years in Roller powered aeroplanes...never had one quit, ever.

9th Nov 2007, 05:43
"FOS's user guide, Module 1"
"In case of a Non Limiting runway, the intersection box is filled with NL.
It means that, you can takeoff the maximum structural take off weight.
The take off speeds associated to your actual take off weight are given
in FCOM 3.03.05 or QRH chapter 4 – OPS DATA."

NL will be displayed when the maximum computation takeoff weight is greater than maximum structure weight.
