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View Full Version : UK Resticted airspace

30th Oct 2007, 09:08
Would some Air Law expert please clarify for me.

I know that one can't fly in R (restricted) or P (Prohibited) airspace but what of D airspace? Again I know that D* (Danger*) airspace is a no fly area when notified but what is the legal status of D (Danger) airspace. Am I correct in thinking that technically (although foolhardy) one can fly in D areas even when notified as active? It might disturb a military exercise but there is nothing that can be done to you for doing so?

30th Oct 2007, 11:54
Their definition is in their names, as you guessed it: Prohibited = no-no, forbidden, verboten, défendu.
Restricted = you can't go on your own decision and need a special clearence, sometimes with PPR, or need to check the operating times of the restrictive condition (military zone, air refueling area, missile testing, nuclear explosion tests and the likes).
Danger = Ok, you know it, be careful now! (para drops, hot air baloons, flying school aerobatic training).

30th Oct 2007, 21:01

There is the other as I mentioned D*. They are also verboten.