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View Full Version : Jumping from twin IFR helicopters to airlines. Do-able?

28th Oct 2007, 13:23
Hi Everyone,
I'm a helicopter pilot flying medium twin IFR machines with an Aussie CPL(A), and I'm interested in entering the airline world. Could anyone out there tell me how, or if, a jump from IFR helicopters to big jets is possible. Do the airlines acknowledge helicopter time? And if so, would a direct airline entry be possible, or do I have to start over in Cessnas and Pipers?


28th Oct 2007, 13:45
someone hired with me at my airline was a USMC copter pilot...more copter time than fixed wing...so it is doable.

BUT, you will certainly need an atpmel somewhere...and I mean fixed wing

maybe get a mutli engine atp in a citation to start...but it will cost money...lots

28th Oct 2007, 14:33
My army unit pioneered, after experiments in the UK and USA, jumping out of twin-engine helicopters at night using a 300ft abseil rope, as a means of insertion into jungle areas.

That was bad enough; I really don't think it's do-able to do jump to an airliner, in spite of Hollywood's ideas.

28th Oct 2007, 17:06
Is it do-able? Yes

Do the airlines take helo hours into account? Depends, if they are multi crew then definately

Can you 'jump' into the Airlines directly? Yes, I did with a major carrier

You WILL need a CPL(A) and in the UK under JAR there is a possibility to convert an ATPL(H) to ATPL(A). Ask Alex Whittingham at Bristol Ground School, he can give you the details.

You will still need 100 PIC of fixed wing aircraft and a multi IR before issue of your CPL(A). Once you have accrued the minimum hours required for an ATPL upgrade this can be done with 50% of the hours required permitted to be on helos.

Have fun

28th Oct 2007, 20:21
Lots of guys and girls have gone from the UK helo operators 76/365/332/61 direct onto 737/320 etc.

Good luck.

28th Oct 2007, 23:25
Ansett did just this back in the dark ages.

When the Hayman Island helo service was axed and, subsequently, Reg's 206 .. the pilots were offered the option of moving into the airline fleet. Not all made the grade but I can recall at least one from Hayman who ended up on the 733 as a captain (as I recall he came in for a while as an FO to get up to speed), flew very nicely, thank you very much, was a thoroughly nice guy .. and you didn't want to know how good he was at bridge ...

I don't know what other fixed wing history he may have had ..