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View Full Version : Crew luggage : 2 bags or 1 ?

27th Oct 2007, 11:42
Hi all
I'm starting at Netjets soon. This will be my first job where I'm reguarly away and using the larger international airports on a frequent basis and also using scheduled flights to get to and back from work.

My question concerns crew luggage. Do most pilots who have to use scheduled flights as part of their commute check in their main baggage and take flight case as carry on..... or can you get away with taking both as carry on ?
I'm looking at buying this casehttp://www.essentials4travel.com/mall/productpage.cfm?store=e4t&productid=tpr0094 for my 6 days worth of kit, but I'd rather not check it in.

27th Oct 2007, 13:00
Nice bag, but usually Travelpros break after a couple of years. Give http://www.luggageworksonline.com/product.asp?CatID=1 a look, the bags are very tough, I'm on my second one in about 12 years. They will stand up to the "royal' treatment that some bag handlers like to dish out. On the down side, it is a heavier frame (hence weight) than a Travelpro, and is quite a bit more expensive, but you get what you pays for. I would take both bags if I were you, don't let the security organic support push you around.

27th Oct 2007, 13:03
Unfortunately, in the UK you can only take one bag on board so you do need to check one bag. This can cause some hassles as you need to wait for your luggage. It has happened that BA has lost my bag so I was without for a tour. (Therefore, I pack a spare shirt and emergency stuff in my carry on luggage)

I use a 22" Travelpro Crew 5. It can be a tight squeeze on the Hawker 800 so when the bag eventually dies I'll probably go for the 20" one. Also, the 22" while on paper should be able to go on board, in reality, it probably wouldn't. (I have never tested this theory, others will have a different opinion).

Fortunately, my gateway is Luton and I don't airline that often any more. Thank goodness.

There's talk of letting crew take both bags on but the liquid rule will still apply. :ugh:

27th Oct 2007, 14:57
I think you can take it any airlining you do in Europe will require the bag to be checked in. That case is soooo expensive. Why? If you want to be seen with Travelpro, fine, but it is no better than other far cheaper cases! A lot of airlines restrict you to 15kgs. Blowing over 5kgs on the case doesn't leave you a lot, especially for your purchases abroad. Got to any High Street bag store- they have fantastic value wheelie-bags that are just as strong, and won't upset you so much when the loaders have enjoyed themselves with it! I find it most convenient to use a holdall these days- much cheaper, lighter, more space, and you can still have a handle and wheels. The 'rolling up' technique is actually better for your clothes and gives it strength. No need to blow that sort of money.

27th Oct 2007, 15:54
For the last six years I have used, as my checked baggage, a very tough suit bag made by a company in the USA...can't remember the name.
Not only does it not fall apart after the 600 pound gorillas are finished tossing it around, but it keeps all the shirts/slax nicely pressed...as in, not too many wrinkles.
It should be good for another two years...when it shall retire along with yours truly.

27th Oct 2007, 16:12
You will never retire- it's horrible out there, trust me. People expect you to get excited about hitting some stupid ball across grass. What a waste of time! Idleness- it's overrated.

Maude Charlee
28th Oct 2007, 12:48
£150 for a silly little trolley case??????? :eek:

You all need your heads testing. Again. :}

28th Oct 2007, 15:21
Well, I bought a cheap one and the handle broke mid tour. Not by a baggage handler but by a taxi driver (part time stock car racer) in Agadir in Morocco. Seriously unimpressed. So far the expensive bag's withstood the treatment.
(Oh, and bought it in the US. :E )

28th Oct 2007, 16:07
Speaking of made/bought in the US:E, I had a look last evening at my aforementioned suit bag...American Tourister.
That sucker has more miles than most astronauts, and is still in fine shape.

29th Oct 2007, 16:08
If you are interested in Travelpro, they pop-up quite regularly in TK Maxx stores across the country. I recently upgraded to a FlightPro 4 roller case and it was just under £60. I think it's last years' model, but I can't imagine luggage technology moves on that quickly....

A and C
29th Oct 2007, 17:07
It would seem that BALPA anf the DfT have come to an agreement on baggs and liquids.

Soon the UK DfT will let crew members who are working or positoning for a duty within 24 hours take two bags and not be subject to the liquids regulations.

This seems too good to be true and will no doubt be the subject of some interest when the less well informed in the security community try to inforce the rules for passengers on crew.

ted baker
29th Oct 2007, 22:24
Mike, I'm probably just being a bit blind, or maybe had one two many glasses of wine (I'm on days off) but can't find the 'official' documentation referred to in your post above.

Can you give me a hint please? Just want to raise it with our Ops staff, as MAN security seem to be in their own little time warp as far as Dft guidelines go.

29th Oct 2007, 23:55
For Flight Crew with a ‘Full UK issued ID Card

*sigh*... still have to check the luggage in then... :(

ted baker
30th Oct 2007, 08:11

Thanks, it was on the BALPA site this morning, but really couldn't see it last night.

Have a good trip or two


Maude Charlee
30th Oct 2007, 12:08
Despite what BALPA and the DfT may have agreed, local security regs are still very much the preserve of the local airport authority, and they are under no requirement to play ball.

Expect to have a wide variety of inconsistencies (even more so than at present) as the local bye-laws are amended (or not as is probably more likely) to reflect this new position.

30th Oct 2007, 15:43
BuzzC152, let's get back to basics. Do we want your fancypants £150 jobby, or are we better off with about 9 of these?:http://www.airlinebags.co.uk/ba/content/details.asp?ref=K2G-26

Makes these fancy cases look a bit stupid. They may be better, but not that better! Remember, these really nice cases are an affront to a baggage loaders manhood- an insult to their masculinity. It shows you are rich, and need taking down a peg or two. I have watched baggage loaders (at LHR) setting out to destroy the contents of crew cases. A simple drop from 6 inches when they hear a clinking does it.

30th Oct 2007, 15:45
I managed to get a 'Netjets' discount for the Travelpro range here:
If you type in 'Netjets' in the voucher or discount box it will probably still work. I think they only deliver to the UK though. It's worth calling them if it no longer works....
Personally, I have the 22" (max size), use it on the Bravo and manage to airline with it about 80% of the time. (I only airline with this one bag - and my wee BOSE headset bag) :ok:
Hope this helps.