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View Full Version : SOP's CRM material???

16th Oct 2007, 12:35
Hi All,

Does anyone have any interesting (recent) SOP's material for CRM courses.

Mungo Man
4th Nov 2007, 16:51
Sorry to be the spelling police but shouldn't it be SOPs. Why the apostrophe?

4th Nov 2007, 23:44
See the incident report and analysis – ERAA Fly Safe. (www.fly-safely.org/story_pf.asp?id=32)
Good planning, thinking ahead, followed SOPs, reviewed the situation, decision making, crew involvement, a safe landing and an error. All with a positive aspect, an example of how it can be done instead of the usual negative of don’t do this.

Or try this subject as a group exercise (practical, hands on hardware) particularly for management / SOP writers; Combating omission errors through task analysis and good reminders. (http://qshc.bmj.com/cgi/content/full/11/1/40) By James Reason.
As a follow on consider how aspects of cross checking / self monitoring might contribute to TEM.

jacqueline – Re interesting (recent). CRM material is timeless; all that you have to do is apply your skill in making it applicable to which ever scenario / subject that you wish to address.