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View Full Version : Who is the oldest handling company in the world?

15th Oct 2007, 17:01
Does anybody out there know which company can boast being the oldest ramp handling company in the world? I work at Manchester Airport in the UK, our company is RHSL and has been operating since 1938!!! albeit a couple of slight name changes but the company has remained the same since then, does anybody know of an older company still operating today?

15th Oct 2007, 17:17
trouble is you're still using the same equipment!!:)

15th Oct 2007, 17:44
Nice one your probably not far wrong there hahahahahahahah

15th Oct 2007, 17:47
Spannersatcx i hope your not one of those dodgy CX engineer's that give us grief everyday hahahahahahah

15th Oct 2007, 20:34
Can't speak for handling companies but Air Atlantique operated the Instone Bristol Freighter (G-BISU) in the eighties for livestock movements. Instone originated in 1919!

Possibly one or two of the pilots as well...

18th Oct 2007, 19:24
Wll it seems to me that perhaps Ringway does hold this record as all the research points towards us!
Qantas Longreach has had a company there but as far as I'm aware they were are not an actual baggage handling company more the airline