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View Full Version : Iberia in Toulouse

10th Oct 2007, 21:53
Anyone know what was happening in Toulouse today with the Iberia Airbus?

It landed with fire trucks in attendance and was parked on a taxiway. A multitude of police cars, fire trucks & service vehicles positioned some distance away (50m or so). The incident went on for a couple of hours even puzzling some flight crews waiting to board their aircraft. There seemed some bizarre goings on with steps that were positioned at the front, then the rear, then the front (whilst leaving the rear door open). It was probably an hour before passengers disembarked onto buses. Meanwhile personel dealing with the incident seemed to be running backwards & forwards, aiming hoses under the aircraft. I assume it was some type of training event as I heard nothing about it.

11th Oct 2007, 07:23
I understand it was a Zurich - Madrid flight with 76 pax on board

Suspect bottle of liquid found in the toilets

Plane diverted to Toulouse - took the local gendaremerie two hours to realise it was water

Plane took off for Marid with no further problems

11th Oct 2007, 08:52
See here:


For those whose French isn't too good ( that's me then:rolleyes:) : I think it starts by saying "small mistake/omission, big consequences" and then goes on to outline that a thermos flask was found in a toilet...not claimed by any of the passengers onboard...probably left on board from a previous sector ( uh oh) ...as precaution, etc, etc

11th Oct 2007, 09:38
The aviation world is getting crazy.:E

11th Oct 2007, 09:43
It's the crazies out in the World who are causing the aviation world to have to act like this.

Someone found a suspect item, one can only only assume the crew followed due process and as a result of that diverted to Blagnac..can't see much "crazy" in that.

13th Oct 2007, 12:16
The report of the French newspaper La Depeche points at fears of ever possible threaths against Iberia from the Basque separatists ETA organization, after 23 of its leaders were recently arrested.
Under such circumstances, grounding the plane upon discovery of a suspect item onboard seems to me quite wise and responsable. I'd rather have a couple of hours delay than eternity.:uhoh:

two green one prayer
15th Oct 2007, 06:45
An aircraft makes an unscheduled landing because there might be a bomb on board. Very proper and in accordance with SOPs. An hour later the pax are allowed off. If this is true, am I the only person to see an inconsistency? The nonsensical security before boarding is at least unlikely to lead to injury or loss of life. To not evacuate the aircraft as quickly as possible when a bomb is suspected is at best shameful, and at worst criminally neglegent.