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View Full Version : BA Staff Travel Boarding Priority

Pin Head
5th Oct 2007, 18:08
Does an ID80 from an airline other than BA have priority over a ID90 from a BA own employee?

Hand Solo
5th Oct 2007, 18:13
No. It's BA Staff, then OneWorld staff, then other airline staff.

Pin Head
5th Oct 2007, 20:09
even on a ID80. Twice the price but gives you twice the onload priority?

5th Oct 2007, 20:42
What's the priority code on the ticket ?
Usually found under the fare basis.

Hand Solo
7th Oct 2007, 13:12
Yes, even on an ID80. All you are buying is increased priority over anyone else in the 'other airlines employees' category. It certainly doesn't give you twice the priority over anything, you just move up the onload list a bit.

8th Oct 2007, 09:35
Recall traveling on an ID80 and an FO with BA being amazed at how low the priority was, given he was on an ID90.

Despite my being in the business for nearly a decade a hostie with a well known Irish airline, who'd been with them for only 6 months, was still a higher priority.:eek:

The joys of ATC...:ugh:

Still, musn't grumble :ok: