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View Full Version : Cambridge Airport

Luke Davies
13th May 2001, 22:19
The sooner they close down this airport and cover it with rows and rows of Barrett Homes the better as far as I am concerned.

What gives amateur flyers the right to drone around for hours over densely inhabited neighbourhoods at the legal minimum height in noisy and environmentally catastrophic light aircraft?

Does an indivisduals desire to fulfil his or her pilot fantasy overrule the right of an entire community to quiet enjoyment of their property?

I estimate that about six people completely ruined an otherwise idyllic weekend for five or six thouxsand households in South Cambridge. How can that possibly be defended?

13th May 2001, 22:31
I take it you didn't know the airport was there when you bought your Barrett home?

fast cruiser
13th May 2001, 22:41
get a life