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View Full Version : Private jet charter passenger reservation system?

27th Sep 2007, 13:26

Please could someone tell me what systems are usually used for a passenger booking system for private jet charter?

I have been trying to research this for a project and can't seem to find a general system that is used on a worldwide basis.

I would appreciate any information given.

Many thanks.


27th Sep 2007, 13:33
Well, I call my secretary and say "Muriel...have the G washed and polished, get the crew chappies over and the Bolly on ice. Have the Rolls waiting at the door by 5 and then let's you and I bash orf to Monte for a bit of nookie"
I can't really see that it's much more complicated than that.....

But of course, that's only the way I do it. You might call Netjets or similar and ask them how they do it or, you could try posting this on Non-Airline Transport Stuff

27th Sep 2007, 14:04
Are you on about what the airlines use??? if so start looking for:

Airxml (Airkiosk)
IPARS (international version of PARS)
ICCI (has various modules)

That should keep you going for a while.