View Full Version : B737 IFR Renewal

northeast canuck
27th Sep 2007, 12:44
Does anyone know if there is anywhere in Canada where I can do a multi-IFR flight test in a B737 sim (300-500 or 800)? I've been flying abroad for 10 years and am current on the 737. In order to renew my Canadian ATPL I need to do a multi-IFR ride and as I am not current on light aircraft I would rather do it in a 737 if possible! I suspect that if it is possible, the cost would be high, but it's gotta be worth a try?

27th Sep 2007, 13:56

I had a hell of a time trying to the same thing that you want to do . The problem is that as of a few months ago not a single place in canada where you can get a 300-900 sim only a 200is available.My writeen eaxam lapsed as well so i had to go do the written again and do a multi IFR ride on a piston twin but the b737 was transfeered on my canadian as I submitted all of the training records...that was pretty much the only choice I had .


27th Sep 2007, 18:15
Westjet in YYC has 737NG simulator and they are available to rent.

28th Sep 2007, 07:49
I tried last month but ..Westjet sims are not available for rent ...but check and make sure


northeast canuck
28th Sep 2007, 10:16
Thanks so much for the replies. I checked into the WestJet sim, which would be ideal of course, but they only rent it to "training organizations" - I guess other airlines?

So, I will do what so many have done before me - get into a light twin for the first time in over a decade and hope for the best - look out!!!

29th Sep 2007, 13:14
well there is one more possibility ....I heard that premair out of seattle may be able to get a transport canada approved examiner to come in and do a flight test on the B737 and put it directly on to your canadian atp. call them up and ask ...it'll be worth a shot and may save you going in the piston twin ..www.premair.com


grind king
30th Sep 2007, 04:29
I hadn't flown for two years and was out of currency. I then got a job flying a A-340 however they needed 6 months validity left on my license. I went to Pro IFR in Boundary Bay and told them my situation. I just winged it and did an hour in their Frasca sim then did a ride in the Dutches. I figured if I failed that could be my practice session. I passed with no problem. They where totally understanding of my situation and ran the flight as mock two crew (I couldn't even start the engines). If you've got IFR experience and can fly, I'd suggest saving your cash go for the piston twin. It's fun, easy and slow.

30th Sep 2007, 14:20
You should try with www.activeaerospace.com(based in Vancouver,Canada), there are providing such reniewal, I am sure that there are Transport Canada approved.

30th Sep 2007, 14:27
and probably one of the many reasons why john is suspended as an IFR examiner .....just winged it ?

30th Sep 2007, 21:07
When did John loose his ability to do IFR rides ?

grind king
1st Oct 2007, 03:40
John and his team were more than professional, knowledgeable and very experienced with regard to IFR training. It was nice to work with an individual that understands the big picture and realize that I was not a neophyte pilot but an experienced airline pilot that needed to be recertified. While I may have 'Winged It" that certainly doesn't take away from the fact that I was still required to, and did meet all the Transport Canada examination tolerances but was given a ride that is more fitting to an experienced pilot as opposed to a first time IFR 250hr pilot.

1st Oct 2007, 15:05
After I got my initial multi IFR with Pro out of YVR I ended flying seaplanes for the next 3 years and needed a current IFR to start training with a regional airline.As I hadn't flown wheels in a long time I just flew the IFR ride but John landed as it's not required for the ride.That's a shame if he lost his approval-they were a very friendly and professional school, I did my private,commercial,Multi-IFR, and renewal there,I was always impressed.